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Hey guys Vika Bradford is back our resident astrologist what is this is this round 3 How many park have fuck yeah round 3 yeah.
Vika Bradford
This is round 3 round 3 round 3 ah.
She's back and I'm so excited to chat with you today. How are you doing? yeah.
Vika Bradford
So excited. Um I'm in the shit of it too. Um, like I wrote a couple emails over the last two days and I kept referring to it as like the cosmic surf right now like it like curfing surfing the cosmic tides that's what I'm in. Yeah.
Yeah, one and.
Vika Bradford
Like I'm in like a nine foot wave but it's okay.
Ah, meet too girl we do oh my God Well I think we should like address that energy. First off I wanted to talk to you about saturn and pisces and this kind of new area of Era of Aquarius that we've entered as well. Um.
Vika Bradford
And here.
But yeah, like we a lot of us have just been through some major shit, not everybody and I'd actually love to know kind of why some people have felt this a little bit more than others I know it has to do with our needle charts and all of those things.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah, and.
For me it it. It hit me like a ton of fucking bricks. But let's talk about a clip season What that actually means. And yeah, maybe why everybody's been feeling like their lives have been falling apart recently.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, I'm actually gonna take it all the way back to the start of the year because it has not been an easy start to 2023 I love every year at the end. You know we hit December and I mean like. And 23 is gonna be being gear. It's gonna be my year I remember 22 for 2022 every almost dancing like we're done with this this shit. We're done with the world being like this 2022 that's the year that's the every year and I sit there and I'm like you guys are hilarious because I can see that it's. Not your year. It's nobody's year I mean there is good things that's going to happen for sure. But like when I look at the energy ahead I'm like we're in for um, quite a turbulent start to the year so in saying that we start off the year in a Mercury retrograde a Mars retrograde that was a lot. We moved through some other stuff. You know we had such big planets shift into new signs that that was really intense in March right? pluto shifting into aquarius was huge. It's retrograding back right now as we have this conversation. Um. Saturn shifting into pisces was huge. There were so many pivotal big moments that to say we were going to have like an easy start to 2023 was absolutely impossible and then on top of that. Yeah we had eclips season with Mercury retrograde and that.
Vika Bradford
Eclipse season was enmeshed in mercury retrograde. So it. It's been a moment It's been a big big energy. What I'm calling sort of like the final countdown of the eclipse nodal axis that we've been moving through for the last. You know, almost two years since 2021 January which is all about like clearing out that scorpio karma ushering in new pathways with tourrus which means we've been shedding power control. Um our fears are. Our relationship to our money to our self-love to our safety our security right? We've been like purging and what happens when you purge like think about a physical detox. It sucks you sweat you like feel like rap like I mean I've been on amazing detoxes where you have actual support to get through it so you don't feel like you're detoxing and that's I swear what astrology does and astrologers. Do you right? like I'm going to get you through the transit without you dying but like.
And he.
Vika Bradford
Ah, Detox never is like 100% fun there's always going to be symptoms right? And so we've been doing that and then guiding us to this tourrus energy of like coming back to our bodies right? I keep calling it like coming home to ourselves and.
Vika Bradford
That's never easy when we've been in a state of it's like a state of perpetual nervous system overload for so long that coming back to your body is like the last thing anybody wants to do right? so.
Vika Bradford
Doesn't feel safe to be inside your body because your body stored with trauma which is scorpio so we've been like in a moment right? The the eclipse season was very intense, especially for those with fixed placements in their charts. Um, and then. You know, add to that the saturn and piy shift is very intense for those with mutable placements in their charts and then you know cardinal for anyone who's like what are these words just Google them if you need do like so like the cardinal placements like aries libra cap record and cancer. They but. They've been going through through it. Okay, if you have aries, Libra Capricorn or cancer placements April was a fricking ride. Okay, we had jupiter and cairron conjunk like just bringing up every childhood wound that is imaginable and.
Um, and.
Vika Bradford
So like not no placements. We're having easy ride this year no placements let me just say that now your question of why certain people feel it more than others. So if you're having direct impact on one of your placements which means you know if something in the sky is aspecting a placement in your chart. So an example is like Pluto is at ° aquarius if like you for instance, have your pluto at ° ah of Scorpio. That means we're having an exact square ° okay, that's a very pivotal life moment I call it a midlife crisis but it it can also be a midlife breakthrough. So when we have something aspected in our chart. That's when we feel things more intense than say someone who isn't being impacted right.
I mean.
Vika Bradford
Someone who goes through Ec Clips season and doesn't have any placements around where the eclipse is hitting might just be like yeah, it's an interesting moment I'm feeling a lot of shifts but like they might not be like what the actual fuck is happening right now. Everything is crumbling right? because they're not being directly impacted an area of their life.
Vika Bradford
Be changing or shifting but they're not having like direct changes happening and then to add on to this someone asked me this on Tik talk and it was a great question where I was just like some people ignore the energies and so. They are going through big shifts internally most likely but they aren't aware of those shifts and they don't allow those shifts to move through them and so they might completely ignore the cosmic tides trying to like shift them right to say like hey we want to. Want to help level you up right now and then you're just so closed off to the energies that you might be completely oblivious to big things happening in your life and then to add to that A lot of people who are you know, probably listening to this podcast are very tuned in very much tuned in to the frequencies happening.
Um, he.
Vika Bradford
Um I would assume most people listening to this like feel the energies right? We feel shifts in anything. You know when you're around people in the grocery Store. You're like oh that's way too much energy I don't like any of these people I could feel the negative vibes like often people who are more drawn to this type of. Information and work are more highly attuned to frequencies and so I feel like there is a higher ability to feel this the shifts because the body is almost tuned to feel the shifts if that makes sense. Those are my theories around like why.
Um, yeah, totally well because in my mind I'm trying to figure it out and I'm like okay well something about like because I've taken some of your courses. So but I'm like not well versed in astrology yet at all and for anybody listening.
Vika Bradford
I Highly recommend getting into it like your portal right? So like I yeah your membership. It's fucking amazing like I've done a couple of them so far and like oh my God It's been super helpful like.
Vika Bradford
My mother should.
I gleanned insight into light because we did a whole saturn and pices thing and it was like oh my god okay here's the lessons that were learned over the past three years through the pandemic like what did we learn about ourselves here is what's going to be the theme now that we' learned from this through the shift in Aquarius over the next twenty years this is where you're going to find your power and I was like whoa. Stuff is really really powerful. Um, so make sure we'll have links and stuff but make sure you guys yeah jump into that because really good medicine there for sure. But in my mind I'm like okay yeah, well because I thing I'm like because I have people in my life that have like.
Vika Bradford
Thank you.
Vika Bradford
Thank you, Thank you? It's what I tried to do.
It I Guess big scorpio energy For example, like being a sun or a rising right? like looking at my chart the scoro I think for me, kind of comes through in my north node being in the eighth house right? But like its not like a whole lot of placement. So I was kind of wondering like how it all works. But I'm standing.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, um.
Like these degrees and all of these other things and yeah for me pluto.
Vika Bradford
What's being hit now. What's add to yours like this is the complexity of astrology and why he can study it forever and ever and ever amen but is like you have you know a you have pluto in your first house in Placidus and. B that colors your whole experience of life. So pluto is actually like a frequency that you're quite comfortable with so scorpio shifts for you are very very potent. Let's add to it. You are in a pluto pluto square huge life moment that happens and then add to it as well that both your. Scorpio Placements are very karmic. They're very intense. They're very deep like they're what what I would call wounded energies. Um whereas someone who has their sun or their rising is not necessarily experiencing the wound of scorpion in this life. They can have wounded energies depending on what's aspecting that and that's a whole other conversation. But knowing that pluto's in Scorpio and Saturn's in Scorpio for you. It's like I know that there is past life wounding there I know there's karma there so those energies feel very very intense, very very deep if they get aspected like your saturn would have gotten hit by the last Eclipse That's a really really deep energy. To work with around power and will struggles and power and control and like a lot of that stuff coming up is like I know that that is going to impact you whereas you know if someone had their son at ° scorpion I know right now like nothing's going on for them right? so.
Vika Bradford
Actually right now they would be having a little sun opposition but like really at the end of the day when I would look at that chart I be like there's not a lot happening there right? So that it's so complex. The layers of a learning. It's like we could just look at one chart for months and we would not be done.
Yeah, yeah, it's really interesting. It's funny because it's like I feel like this work is so potent. Because it really does like exactly what you said like we're we're going to go through processes of detox and all of these things right? but like having a bit of a guidebook along the way and having that aspect of faith as well. Really helps you move through these these faded changes right? like. But I'm currently going through I can't talk about publicly yet I will just for everybody listening I am going to break down all of this stuff because it's really really big and it's really important and it's changing a lot in my life in business and all kinds of things. But I do feel like something really fucking cool is coming out of it on on the other side but it is very much a faded type thing that you know your soul chose before you come in, you have like this life plan and it's funny because I've been working with some of my intuitive guides and it's been a frustrating. Past few fucking months right? and I'm just like so what is even the point like if everything is just faded right? like why manifest Why have a fucking vision board like why you know like why any of this stuff like are we just here to like.
Vika Bradford
Flail around and just figure out whatever our fucking grand souls plan is and just like write it out like what what are we even co-creating here if I don't even have a choice in this right? like ah but I mean I do understand that there is you can still make choices while you're going through these sort of things. And it's interesting and I wanted to get your thoughts on this because I had a conversation. We had a podcast come out with a woman recently where she's also going through it like heavy right now and the whole podcast was supposed to be about. Like her cookbook and shit and she was like oh no like I've actually decided to quit my entire business and yeah, they were doing like millions a year and she was just like it's killing me and I don't want to do it anymore and so I'm just changing my whole life and I was like well girl. Oh lots of similarities.
Vika Bradford
Um, well.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah, this is.
And it was funny because we were like thinking back to other times in our lives where something similar happened and for both of us. It was a very it was Saturn Return like the shit that I'm going through right now is almost exactly not exactly but there's a lot of similar themes from our so.
Vika Bradford
My saturn return and for anybody listening who doesn't know what that is it's around the age of like 28 when you usually have some sort of fucking crazy thing happen that makes you have to mature correct to my explaining that right.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, basically from like the age of like 27 ish to 29.5 there's like a ride of yeah grow up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and for me that was a crazy period of of time where it was very dramatic and the way that I processed it at the time was. Liquor and cocaine and fucking sobbing on my bathroom floor and escapism and all the things that I used to do in my twenty s right? Yeah big piies. Yeah, big time and now I'm in a position where I'm facing similar circumstances. But I'm like.
Vika Bradford
There's your moon coming out right there. Your Pi is moon. But.
Oh I quit drinking at the beginning of the year like haven't had a drink since so I don't rely on substances to numb out anymore I knew that this was coming I mean even using that astrology app like the pattern or whatever I saw like these transits coming up and I was like no.
Vika Bradford
Now cap.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah, yeah, so no I'm fine.
But's not happening like no, it's gonna be fine or it's goingnna be like it's gonna be like a high octave of it like literally one of the descriptions was like you may feel like or. Basically dying and being reborn sort of thing right? or like just feeling like your entire life is shattered and dead it like that's that's the low end of it and I was like no, it's not going to be that bad and I'm like oh no, it literally? Yeah that's that's exactly what's happening right now but it offers support in the sense of like if you can just. Face these challenges head on if you can navigate it with Grace you can come out of this more empowered and I think also going through you know situations in the past like I've I've done some of this stuff before I know it doesn't kill you right? and.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, move.
It's an opportunity to look at where our ego has been getting in the way or maybe we have not been in alignment. Maybe we thought that we were in alignment but we've been in a process for so long of maybe building something that was part of your identity and having that suddenly. Be taken away makes you have to reevaluate things and priorities and it could be just aligning you into putting you in a new position that allows you to shine right? but.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, still fucking sucks still annoying. But I mean at least I'm not drinking on the bathroom floor anymore right? like that's great.
Vika Bradford
Well exactlyre right? and like when you say that that that themes are similar to your saturn return. Of course your saturn's in scorpion your pluto's in Scorpio, you're having more scorpial moments right? Like they're just they're deep different scorpial moments. They're deeper scorpial moments right? like.
Vika Bradford
Your saturn return is the world going or like saturn saying hey grow up where it's pluto is like hey I'm going to need you to go to hell and back right now like I'm going to need you to go into like the places you don't want to look I'm going to need you to crack yourself open. Um I'm good. It's like Pluto wants you to go into all your fear.
Vika Bradford
Saturnin isn't necessarily about your fear. It's more about you gaining control or you finding like or building a solid foundation right? where you haven't before and this is all going to happen in the same area for you because they're in the same house and then pluto is like.
Vika Bradford
Like I think of Pluto Transist is like a tower moment right? like and then you're going to have to figure out what blocks are going to rebuild with and what blocks you're not going to rebuild with right? like what's got to go but pluto had to blow up the tower because the tower wasn't sturdy or the tower was built out of. Like shit right? So fludo comes along and he's like okay we're going to have a tower moment and you're going to It's going to suck. You're going to think that your house just you know, collapsed. But now you get to rebuild and maybe you get to rebuild your dream home right? rather than staying stuck in. You know the shitty cabin you built when you were in this poor mindset and like just energetically thinking of it like that it like it sucks. It sucks so much like think about your house collapsing what sucked. But if there was this promise that you were going to be able to rebuild it in a new image a way.
Um, a.
Vika Bradford
Like a more aligned image of your desire. Maybe there be hope. Yeah.
Um, yeah, absolutely yeah, all we have is hope right? it such the human experiences. It's rough. No one gets out alive right? And yeah.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
That's what I hear.
Yeah, and and it is it really is we are here for for lessons I mean it's really to remember who we are and how powerful we truly are but Earth is gangster like it's tough here right? You know.
Vika Bradford
Oh. It is tough here. Yeah, it's not an easy place to to be like especially you know for souls who feel everything there I don't know how they operate but there are people out there that just float along here. Just. Absolutely not feeling the intensities or the insanity or the chaos and they just kind of like they're like Bubbles. They're just like floating along and they're happy and it's It's totally fine. But for you know the majority of humans. It's chaos and it's intensity and deep. Um. Loneliness and and and that's just part of it here. Yeah, just that's deeply in the shadow just deep in the shadow today. It's okay, now.
Um, yeah, ah so much love and light were spreading today for everybody.
Um, and there's nothing wrong with that right? and you know some of us experience it a lot and this is what it looks like right? It's processing processing processing and I think a lot of us too have come into this incarnation with.
We're we're processing so much trauma and we're healing so much right? It feels like a never ending journey but we're not just doing it for ourselves we're doing it for the fucking collective which you know I've just realized recently and I'm like oh my God Okay no wonder it's never fucking ending great. Well.
Vika Bradford
And yeah.
I Hope I hope everybody you know is is is enjoying whatever this is that I'm transmuting right now or that it's doing something for someone else because it's It's not pleasant. You know, but we are all connected and some of us are tasked with that process in this lifetime.
Vika Bradford
Absolutely absolutely like I've been really working with the idea lately of like you know there's a big signature in my chart where I like I want to save the world. Um, but I am really tapping into the fact that like I can't save the world.
Vika Bradford
I Can only operate from my highest integrity and in doing so that is going to change the at least dimension I'm functioning in and you know the people who are willing to come to that dimension will come and those who aren't won't and.
Vika Bradford
Like we can only heal ourselves and that causes the ripple effect right? like that's literally it heal yourself. Do your work operate from your highest be in your integrity in your morals figure out your morals like right? if you're violating your morals stop. It? Um, and. When you operate in that highest sense of self. You know you're gonna you're gonna shit your pants. You're gonna Fail. You're gonna fall off but go back Adjust Adapt You know, figure out your values and operate from them if you do that The world will change and I think if more people thought like that.
Vika Bradford
Things would change faster but everyone's in such a victim mindset of like oh the government. Oh this Oh that like so be the change like literally that statement is so True. Be the change and you will ripple outward right? It's like heart resonance or however, you want to see it is your impact of your frequency Your energy. Will ripple through people Even if you sit there and you're like people suck like change change your frequency right? and see how the world slowly changes around you.
Um, yeah, actually this is something a theme that I keep seeing recently and I think this is kind of the work for the next little while but the word is embodiment. So.
Vika Bradford
I was just introduced to a teacher listening to a podcast recently and I love her book I don't know I loved her podcast I ordered a book I haven't read it yet. But it's already an international bestseller I can't remember it right now. But I'm gonna try to get her on the podcast. Um, she talks a lot about.
Vika Bradford
Needing to focus on embodiment right now and understanding that yes sure we're all from like all over the plate. We're so having a physical experience here on earth but this body this vehicle that we're in is from the earth right? and we have to really really focus on getting connected back to you know. Our our mother our our mother right? Gaia and yeah, it's kind of exactly what you said with this tourrus energy coming up right and needing to focus on this embodiment and getting back into the body.
Vika Bradford
This is.
And it's tough because again, there's a lot of trauma there I think we need to process what has happened over the past few years is ah I don't think we've done. We've done that yet I know I have.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, no, no, most people haven't um I definitely haven't It's I don't even think anyone knows what to do with it yet right? We're still all waiting for the next shoe to drop. Yeah like.
Yeah, totally it's what it feels like yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, well something that I practiced.
Vika Bradford
What are they going to do next? Yeah, we're still waiting for that.
The past few days I've just taken some time away to go to the Kootneys and y'all like if you're going through shit right now. Just you have my permission you have your like just take permission to take care of yourself right? like.
Vika Bradford
Ah, yeah, yeah.
My life might be kind of falling apart in some way but it doesn't feel like it. You know like I just took four days off I went to the Kootenais I went to the hot spring several times I had a full fucking spa day yesterday you know like even if circumstances are tough in your life like there is always the sun.
Vika Bradford
I mean yes.
And the water and the forest in the trees and all of the deeply nourishing things and I spent a lot of time just like with my feet dug into the sand and just praying right to nature to earth and being like just please help me and please heal me so that I can help and heal you.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, literally.
Vika Bradford
Um, me alone.
That was a huge huge theme for me and actually I did notice something really interesting. So I kind of injured my my hand a little bit and I ended up just digging my hand into the earth and kind of meditated on mother Earth just taking that pain away and literally like it just it dissipated. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
Wow wow.
Yeah, so I think there's like this whole other level of healing too and I know I keep getting this message from my guides. They're just like fuck like you have everything in you to heal. You know I know we're trying like all of these different things and we're trying the cleanses and whatever and part of that is important.
Vika Bradford
Yeah I know I know.
Vika Bradford
A hundred percent
But we're invited to explore and out of consciousness or this I think it's embodiment now right and getting plugged in to mother nature and I think having that deeper connection is what is going to get us out of this.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah.
Fucking system.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, like totally one of my dear soul sisters and I were talking I think yesterday how? um like you know she is moving out of naturopathic medicine. She's a naturopath but like it doesn't want to do it anymore too many restrictions not working. And then what I do in my work. A lot of embodiment a lot of like bring it, you know astrology the cosmos back down to the earth to heal and we were just talking about like the future of medicine is literally energy. It literally is energy medicine and yeah, like I'm still going to do my parasite cleanses I'm still going to like. Clear out my vessel as best I can but realizing and and I study. Um, the cult in magic and stop with a beautiful teacher. Her name's angel and sacred anarchy and um, a lot of her teachings I didn't realize I've been doing for 10 years was that. Magic is actually like your mind healing your body and your energy healing your body which is what I've been doing literally for 10 years and I'm only starting to realize it now and connect all the the dots now of like I've done everything I've tried everything to heal. You know all of my autoimmune disease. And I have I would say 90% but like I sit there and I'm like what is that freaking 10% and that 10% or 100% if you take away all the other shit is your energy. It is your subconscious mind. It is the frequencies and programs embedded in you. It is your trauma inside of you. It's.
Vika Bradford
Like living in your astral body and until you let go of the idea that you are broken or that you are sick or all those things until you can release that you're not going to heal like.
Vika Bradford
At the end of the day because we have to realize that it's frequency that heals us it's like we have to get past this idea that it has to be this like tangible supplement or whatever it is. It's like you can heal yourself how many friggin healers have been have written books about this all these things saying like you can heal yourself but you have to believe it.
Vika Bradford
And you've got to start working with your energy and you've got to start looking at the shit you don't want to look at like you've got to do the Plutonian work and dive into like all the cracks and crevices of yourself and see what's hiding right? All the little thoughts hiding in your mind making you sick.
Um, totally I know I'm so aware of it right now and it's tough like I have a very highly critical mind like I don't know if it's my virgo son right? yeah.
Vika Bradford
Bargo and your speaker you have a couple other things making you highly critical as well.
But I just I yeah so like I if I see it in imbalance in anything right? I'm just hyper like fixated on it and so I'm I'm constantly critical about everything like when I look in the mirror like you know when I'm feeling off So just.
Vika Bradford
Talking about health for. For example, right now. My my personal health It's so hard for me to get out of that tit to get out of my head around that and I think this is the work for me over the next I think this is a great segue to talk about saturn and pisces and and what that that represents. Because I mean I've been a seeker for many years and everything that I've studied I mean like if you you know ever read autobiography autobiography of a yogi pata mahanse yogaanda talks about like how you can just have spontaneous healings or change or whatever. In in your body in your environment just but you have to have absolute belief absolute belief and it's similar to like what Joe Dispenza talks about or maybe even Bruce Lipton but like the the concept of being able to have like these instantaneous healings. But it's like you have to have absolute belief.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah, yep.
And that's really hard to fucking cultivate. It's really hard to cultivate because when you're experienced every day and you're feeling the pain and you're feeling the heaviness to get yourself outside of that can can be tough and so I think.
Vika Bradford
So yeah.
Getting yourself into a different state meditation. All of those things I'm I'm just I'm over the whole exactly what you mentioned I'm I'm so sick of the fucking victimhood I'm so sick of relying on physical stuff because we don't. We don't need it and I think we're so hyper fixated on the Diet. You know all of these things and it's like no I think we can get ourselves above that we can be changing our frequency to a point where we can just spontaneously heal and eat. Whatever the.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, yeah, literally like I think about you know how restrictive I've been in. You know my food energy I have like a very big intense signature in my chart. My virgo is like on crack because I also have my series in there.
Fuck we want is it doesn't matter.
Vika Bradford
And she is like the devouring mother. She's obsessed with health shit like literally this place when I've just really been diving into I'm like Wow that's where my eating disorder came from as a kid like this is all of it. My obsession with purification like all these things and realizing more and more where I'm like oh like this.
Um, you didn't.
Vika Bradford
Isn't There's always going to be something you know what? I mean there's always going to be Okay, it's the chemtrails. Okay, it's this. Okay, it's that like if we were to say if we were to remove every single thing that we call poison as like you know, um more conscious beings right now.
He gave.
Vika Bradford
Okay, the chetrails. Ah the roundup if we got everything back to purity there'd be something else right? There'd be now. It's this now. It's that now it's this this fungus right? We got rid of the the pesticides. So now it's of a fungus is actually what everyone's root like reacting to right.
Vika Bradford
Always gonna be something so um, what I'm always trying to do and this is difficult and it's difficult for me. So let me say that before I say it is like I'm always trying to vibrate above the Ken Drs vibrate above the like I eat 100% organic I'm guys like I'm I'm a psychopath I'm a straight up viggo. It's crazy up in here.
Um, and.
Vika Bradford
Um I will not veer but I'd love to be able to do you know what? I mean so getting myself into a state where I'm like it doesn't matter what they put out there or what's external if it is all energy if it is all.
Vika Bradford
Those things So can we get ourselves to a state where we are more powerful than the belief of what's in the camtrails or the belief of what's in this like our bodies can we vibrate them so high that that stuff can't even penetrate our organs right? So it's where I've been kind of um.
He is.
Vika Bradford
Exploring and playing into lately with my own signatures and it's very virgo of me to be there. But I think there is a lot of healing there.
Okay, so would you say that that kind of ties into saturn and Pis he's like let what? why didn't you explain what that is and when we entered it What what? that whole paradigm looks like.
Vika Bradford
Um, and.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, it's Saaden and pice. So it'll be there for 3 years I think it was I can't remember the exact date this I think it was March seventh between that and pluto I think Pluto is March Twenty Third so yeah, March Seventh Twenty Twenty three is when it bopped in there. Um. It is all about like grounding our consciousness. It's like bringing you know, heaven down to earth. It's about solidifying our beliefs. It's about um, being able to make the non-tangible tangible right.
Vika Bradford
And taking all those dreams all those hopes. All those wishes all of that conscious hire beliefs and bringing them down to earth right? is by looking at this portion of your life and understanding. This is a non-tangible energy a non-physical energy pisces but then saturn is the control of that the manipulation. So even if we think about it as like a metaphor for a second I read this a beautiful book. It's called. Initiation by Elizabeth Haish if anyone likes like past life recall books. This book is um, amazing. It's a true. So true story of her past life recall of going back into Egypt and being initiated into the priesthood and so she has all these memories of them manipulating matter with their minds right? so.
Vika Bradford
Um, she remembers in these past life recall like they didn't use tools. They didn't use they they used their mind to move things like so we can think of it metaphorically as that is like the manipulation of matter with spirit or spirit to matter is very much this energy of. Saturn and pisces whenever we go through these transits it does bring up a lot of dogmatic thinking spiritual shit you know religions go crazy. We get some murders. We get some victims. We get people trying to save people mental health crisises addictions escapism. Stuff comes up but there is also this opportunity to shift and ground belief systems too right? So it can go either way with with everything and go either way and as we move through this transit. We will see a lot of these frequencies helping us ground ground our spirit.
Vika Bradford
Bring everything down to Earth um and sort of be able to materialize that which we desire. It's like the key thing of manifestation if we were to use it like that like you could materialize your desires through this energy very potently if you knew how to use it.
Um, yeah, so 1 thing that has come up recently that I thought oh this is very saddered in pisces is what just recently happened with the Dalai Lama
Vika Bradford
Ah, yeah.
Right? So for anybody listening who doesn't know the Dalai Lama was just caught on camera recently asking ah getting a small child to suck on his tongue and you know. It's funny because you have like this 1 group of people that's kind of like running in to like defend him and saying that it's a crawl cultural thing but I mean for anybody that is tapped into their intuition and who receive that very deep visceral response of. Holy fucking shit this is like really dark. Um, there's been a big exposing there and I fortunately or unfortunately have experience with.
Cults I dated a guy that was in a cult and it was it was It was really hard. It was really ugly to have to look at and face these things and see how people.
Vika Bradford
Um, and.
Can manipulate themselves or other people can manipulate people into believing some really wild shit and let me also say that I understand that some of the stuff that we're talking about might sound totally fucking wild right? So I think what's really important over this next three years is
Vika Bradford
And is that.
Learning discernment super important and really getting tapped into your intuition finding your yes and your no this is something that I'm working with right now. Um.
Vika Bradford
Um, have.
I'm working with Dr Haley Michaelson she was just recently on the podcastd she also used to be a natural path and decided that no I'm not doing this anymore and now she teaches people basically to be witches which is fucking dope. Um, yeah, um, but yeah I think this stuff is really gonna get brought up.
Vika Bradford
Things like. I Love that.
Um, because Pisi's like we. It's a lot about like the the occult and religion and those types of things right? And if we're talking about bringing more structure to it I think a lot of things are going to be revealed and spirituality is becoming very trendy.
Vika Bradford
Um, nice.
Vika Bradford
I Start as start.
Now. Yeah, and I don't know if's just because we're in it. But it's funny like I was just recently at the hot Springs and um, you know met Met met some cool people but it was just like everybody that that I talked to seemed to be quote unquote doing the work in in some sense which is great I'm.
Vika Bradford
Look yeah.
Fucking so psyched that more and more people are are called to do that. But I've also spent a lot of time you know like in Bali and seeing how usually when we're starting to find our way we have a little bit of dysregulation that we need to get through. Initially so you can see stuff like culty type behavior groups being formed groupthink. We can see things like a lot of spiritual bypassing as well. Big time.
Vika Bradford
Um, if not.
Vika Bradford
Oh yeah.
I Mean for me I remember I was just so blown away. So the guy that I used to date in a cult. He just ended up coming home one day packing up a shit and running off and I never saw him again and his response. He wouldn't even talk to me on the phone like I was messaging him being like what the fuck is going on.
Vika Bradford
Wow wow.
And he was like oh you know? well this emotional response that you're having is obviously because you're not spiritual enough and um, you know because you're although more of a buddhist path I'm just I have not no attachment to it and so your your reaction is clearly something wrong with you? Um, and I was like.
Vika Bradford
Okay, all right all right I've had you know, very very deep gnarly experiences in this dysregulation of spirituality So of a yeah, a lot of experience there and I'm starting to see these things kind of come up.
Vika Bradford
Um, and say.
Right? And so it's good because Pisy's being in saturn like I think we're going to start you mentioned like grounding right and more structuring. So we're going to have to have some of the stuff come up to ah us it and integrate it which is great but discernment right.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, totally Disar My yeah.
And this is also I think included in psychedelics as well. Psychedelics being very trendy. We're gonna be talking about this more on the podcast too just in terms of having discernment watching our energy around that making sure that we're not becoming fanatical that.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah.
Vika Bradford
But anything. Yeah yeah, and that could be something that gets really like interesting over the next three years because saturn is restriction too right? So we're seeing so many. Um.
About anything. Yeah yeah I think that's a big piece.
Vika Bradford
Beautiful parts of the psychedelic world where they're you know, working through trauma ptsc. All these things. Um now pisces is the addict pisces is an energy of addiction of escaping of avoiding of um, they don't want to. Like like a pisces on its lowest doesn't want to be here and so they escape into some sort of place where they don't have to be here and at its highest. They actually don't need to escape into drugs because like you know they know they are spiritually connected no matter what? so they can be here on earth. And still connect a source now. It could be interesting over the next three years maybe more overdoses are happening more stuff around mental health is coming up more stuff around. You know all of that energy because it's interesting that they like they started to lift the. Bans around certain drugs like right before this energy came out especially Bc um, and then it will be fascinating to see what that ends up looking like with people having access to things you know the theory is it's going to go. It's gonna be great less people will. Be arrested because of small infractions and I I don't know how that's going to play out in the long run. Um, but it is interesting the timing of it all right? and.
That is interesting for anybody listening that doesn't live in Canada or British Columbia Vica is referring to. We just had a law passed where quote unquote small amounts of hard narcotics like cocaine and heroin are are now legal and this is.
Vika Bradford
Heroin. Yeah.
You know under the guise of creating safe supply for for addicts and I mean we're already seeing. They're basically getting their they're they're trading in the soft stuff for hard shit right? like anybody that's bit like.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I wouldn't have called myself an at addict necessarily but like I've partied hard in my younger days and I've seen the underbelly and have known a lot of addicts and I know how it works and they're not thinking about mental health like they're just wanting to get fucked up.
Vika Bradford
Vika Bradford
Yeah to escape they want to be here. Yeah.
And to escape right? So yeah, like if you're just adding more fuel to the fire and not addressing what needs to I mean like Gabo Mattte's work is all about you know it's it's trauma right? like these people are hurting. They don't need more fucking drugs. They they.
Vika Bradford
Literally literally and that's that's a thing right is like um they the more shit goes absolutely lopsided in Canada with um, housing market jobs. The price of everything food.
To have trauma. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
The more people we will see turning to escapism So right the more that happens the more saturn and pisces. Um, now it could it could work in the opposite and ground everyone back into their you know getting their shit together.
That's true.
Vika Bradford
Or you know life gets so hard so restrictive so saturnian that okay I'm going to escape and so we could see a rise in that as well and like it just absolutely rattles me to the core and I know I can say this here like our mental health support in any country is just absolute bullshit I'm sorry but like. That's not helping anyone. It's not helping anyone to ah just the way they deal with trauma the way they deal with everything is it's not helping anybody so that could be on the rise as well, right? and like you mentioning the way people idolize right? Ah i. Ideology of um, you know the Dalai Lama and these spiritual leaders I've had a lot of my friends say right before Saturn shifted, they're like I feel like a lot of these spiritual teachers spiritual leaders will be exposed for who they are through this transit now exposing is more of a plutonian job but pluto is going to.
Um, he.
Vika Bradford
Doing it's aquaus thing later you know next year it's gonna move back into capricorn. But there there is something around like stopping idolizing people like letting go that we've already seen it with celebrity. We've already seen it with hollywood hopefully more and more of that happens because um.
Vika Bradford
It's like you have to come back to oneness and understand that you like you're the it's like we talked about at the beginning right? You can only change you you can only heal you and then so like that ripples through the collective which is the picy and work. So.
Vika Bradford
That is is something that could be exposed to.
Yeah, big time. Oh my gosh. The idle thing let's just talk about that her So this is one of the things that bothered me so deeply in the past relationship that I was in because the guy that I was doing. He just was.
Vika Bradford
Oh my God it's it's gross.
Absolutely fanatically fucking sagitarious but I'm like low low low end. Very fanatical about this guy that he claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus and Buddha and like all of this stuff like it was just fucking wild right? and.
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah.
You know everything I had studied and understood to be true at that point was like God we are God like God is inside. You know we we can learn beautiful lessons and things from people. But.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, yep.
As soon as we start to give away our power to other people and we have a problem right? This is where religion comes comes into play right.
Vika Bradford
Um, you yeah, it's out out outsourcing your your sense of self outsourcing your sense of love like christianity is absolutely. Wild in the sense of not even just christianity with catholicism specifically like ah you don't have connection to God you've got to go through this person to go through this person to go through this person then you can get to God come on come On. You are God like you are pure source Pure Love Whatever God is its source it even says in the bible like what's.
No, it's nothing.
Vika Bradford
You're created in his image. You are him. You are the microcosm of the macrocosm which is source which is god.
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, um, one of the t. Well one of the main teachings in the conversations with god series for anybody listening who hasn't read these books yet. They're just. Um, man, they're just so beautiful. We had Neil Donald Walsh who's the author of those books on the podcast few episodes back I think the episode's called the 1 about conversations with god 10 out of 10 recommend. Um. But in that series like it talks about our purpose here being on earth is just to remember who we are right and that it like that is who we are is a soul having a human experience but we are powerful right? Like there's so much that can be explored there.
Vika Bradford
And as we kind of come into like this new now we're kind of switching or shifting gears a little bit and into human design. But like this prophecy of 2027 up there I don't know a whole lot about it because what I've been able to find online is just a small amount. But what i've.
Vika Bradford
Yes, just like just reading about that recently it was very interesting me that.
Kind of gleaned is that we're moving into an era that is more about the individual and less about the collective right? So systems crumbling right? focusing on more sovereignty and I've been hammering about this concept.
Vika Bradford
Just saying.
Through this entire podcast about taking fucking responsibility for yourself. Get out of the victimhood release yourself from the systems right? like we don't need that shit and that's where the energy is is moving. That's where we're going.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, and and when you're saying that it makes me think about like how everyone is having like a so semi mentalal breakdown about the systems crumbling right? like um people looking at new or wanting to look at new ways of making money but being so trapped in 1 way, right? like I just.
Vika Bradford
Ah, deleted Instagram forever I'm done with it. But you know for the last three years four years four years ish um, maybe in a little longer. It's my business going to only make money if I'm on Instagram and all of a sudden recently that was completely shattered where I was like no I decide.
Vika Bradford
Where my money and my revenue comes in from and it's not Instagram anymore I'm removing that energy. Um, where as like that's part of the system that we've been sort of indoctrinated into over the last probably only 10 years maybe even a little less of like your business can only make money if you're on Instagram or you're on social media. There are a million different ways you can make money on the internet and like why are we pigeonholing ourselves right? So the idea of like the money system. There's only one way to operate in the money system that you can see that you can.
Vika Bradford
You can see right now but is there absolutely no possibility outside of what you understand in your programming the really good example I put on a podcast recently that came through for me was I got really stuck for a long time around. The only way I'm gonna get my dream house if I win the lottery I think a lot of us fall into that 1 right? all when I learn when I win the lottery I'll get everything I want is the lottery the only way in the entire universe that you could get what you want. That's bullshit that is bullshit.
Meeting it.
Vika Bradford
Can really like think about the limitation we put on ourselves by saying those words with ah with one of my best friends the other day and she said it I didn't even say anything but in my head I was like that's bullshit like a big alarm was like no because you're telling me. There's no other way that you could.
Vika Bradford
Start a multimillion dollar business tomorrow from some crazy idea. That's that's not possible. it's it's harder it's I mean not harder than winning the lottery but like it's hard to wrap your your brain around or like nothing in the universe could happen to get you to where you want to go that's crazy.
Vika Bradford
That's crazier than the idea that you have to win the lottery to buy your dream home. That's where like I think we're shifting is um, getting out of this like material program breaking those systems literally within our mind to say like.
Vika Bradford
Those are limitations. We're putting on ourselves they got to go they got to go right? and you need to understand and it's not easy. This is not easy, but you need to understand that the limitations are your programming and you're putting them on yourself. So when we learn to like remove those shackles.
You hear totally totally.
The up.
Vika Bradford
There's no more limitations. It's hard to wrap your brain around. But if you continue to do the work. Yeah, it can happen.
Seriously I mean I can already cease in my current situation even though it's been hard I already see like that. There's piece that the universe is coming in behind with these other pieces that are being put together to be like oh here. Bitch like you were just whining and complaining and crying about all of these things that weren't working for you. You know we had to do some dramatic stuff but like you know in order to get some really heavy energy off of you but like here here's everything that you ever Wanted. Ah.
Vika Bradford
Yeah, that you couldn't have because you were putting so much restriction on yourself.
Yeah, absolutely and this is where I I still feel like I was kind of reeling about like what do we even co-create right? Like what is the point of fucking manifesting because there's all of this fate shit.
Vika Bradford
Um, this is where it's still really important to to do that work right? because when you are getting these hits for what you desire in this lifetime. That's still that's. Your intuition right? That's your soul speaking right? So it's it's pushing you in that direction like whatever is like lighting you up and getting you excited and I mean for me right now. It's like land I need land I need to be in the forest Twenty four seven I want to
Vika Bradford
Um, yeah, yeah, yeah, and yep.
You to build community like maybe we do retreats that sort of thing like that is calling to me like so hard right now. So I know that that's my soul being like hey right? but I have to blow up so much fucking shit in my life in order to make that happen but some of it's already happening for me right.
Vika Bradford
Ah, stuff that was out of my control. Um, but holding that vision because here's the thing it can happen So many different ways you guys like.
Vika Bradford
Ways you can't even fathom. They literally so crazy. okay good example so okay I want I've been planning my move back to Bc um.
So many ways crazy fucking ways. Things can come together.
Be here.
Vika Bradford
Was telling you this right before the callboard and tell you how it happened so I'm literally on a recording the other day for mercury going direct and in the recording I'm like the universe is asking you to get the hell out of your way and start understanding that it's trying to point you to a path that you haven't seen yet. But you're in your own way. Okay, so I'm like talking about this in it I get off the podcast. My best friend messages me and she's just like just want to check in see how you are I was thinking of you. We have this conversation and she's like when are you planning to come back here I'll you know if I if you need me to I'll go and see any places go check them out for you before you like. You come back to if you want to rent somewhere right? and I'm like okay, cool. She's like when are you coming back and I was like September she's like oh I thought it was something else and then she's and I was like when are you going to London I knew she's going to London for the whole fall and she's like oh we leave September like basically August thirty first and then all of a sudden both of us are like hold ah hold on hold on so she has a place that's going to be empty and I need a place to go and we both were like how the hell do we not think of each other in this. So literally my best. Friend has a sublet for me to move into and here I was you know a month ago getting all like stress because I'm like oh I have to find another place. It's very stressful I can't find it till probably like August because you know you could ever find places like until ah, a month or two before and it just fall.
Vika Bradford
Falls into my lap I never would have saw that coming ever. You know what? I mean you you think you know something about your best friend too. No didn't even click.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's it's so funny right? And so like ah I'll talk about an example that happened during Eclipse season. It's funny because I've been thinking back to the eclipse seasons the past few years and what's happened. Last year I don't think anything didn't have anything too heavy in my chart like stuff was happening around me. We had like a really big um, letting go of a lot of people at a company that I was working with um and I didn't get hit in the in the the first eclipse but the second one I did a little bit but. It was quite traumatic but the year prior to that. Um, my house of home was getting hit and I was renting a place downtown Colonna and I was only there for like seven months or something in my landlord messages and he's just like um I'm selling the place you have to get out and I was like are you. Fucking kidding me like I was livid I was so upset and it was during kind of like the pandemic time and everybody was moving to clona so the prices of everything were getting so you know jacked up and there was nothing available and dadadada done I was like okay this is really annoying.
Vika Bradford
But you know there's some things about downtown that I don't love I'm on a busy street. You know I have crackheads that are stealing my shit out of my of my courtyard. So that's not great. Um, but I had like the story built in built up in my mind that it was gonna be difficult to find a place I'm looking online and.
Vika Bradford
Um, him.
Vika Bradford
Part of what my gifting is that I always find epic fucking places to live and to stay and whatever like I just always find the best places and I think it was right away that there was this listing that I ignored for about three months
Vika Bradford
And love that.
Because the pictures were small and weird and blurry and I was like this has to be no, never right? and because I've been burnt in the past where it like it looks like a too good to be true deal or whatever and then you look into it and it's It's just a scam Um, but this was I was just like.
Vika Bradford
Never look at those places. Never.
Had it like like it looks okay but I don't love it and whatever so I spent the summer fighting my landlord a little bit and then had to put all of my shit in storage and had to live with my grandma for like a month or 2 while was looking for a place and I was just like oh my god kill me, but this place was still in the listing.
Vika Bradford
Wasn't going anywhere and and I was so desperate at that point I was like fuck. Okay I'm just gonna go look at this place So I end up going to check out this listing and it's this.. It's everything on my list I had written out a list of like all the things that I needed to have it was everything plus more like this massive place. It's. Beautiful. You know I had a yard I was able to create a garden like there was a big garage. You know I was launching new products at the time I knew that I would need more space in order to facilitate all of that and it was right there and it was under priced by like.
Vika Bradford
Um, wow.
1502 grand like when I moved into the place. The guy across the street asked me like oddly what I was paying for it and I just told him he was like oh that's really weird because the blast people that rented here paid like way more and I was like who who would lower the price right of a.
Vika Bradford
You know? so it's just I did I don't ask questions I'm just like thank you. Thank you Universe Sorry I was being such a stubborn bitch because this was ready for me right? off the bat and I should have just been more curious. But yeah.
Vika Bradford
Um, that's wild right? And what you said about it being everything on your list Josh and I wrote a list maybe a month or two ago of our fuck nose and our fuck yeses.
It's not funny. Yeah.
Vika Bradford
And because right now ah like the apartment we're in is really cool but has a lot of fuck nose on it and we were like let's just get clear. We'll write it all down in our like we do a nightly journal together and we wrote it down to the other day when my friend message and is me like all this information I'm like let's go back into our fuck yeses and see like every single one.
Vika Bradford
Every single one and I was like yeah okay so like guys for anybody listening you have more power than you think you do get out of your own way. Get the hell out of your own way set your intentions do your work listen to the energies and.
Yeah, yep.
Vika Bradford
Don't set your intentions during eclipse season. That's my suggestion. Um and let it happen believe in miracles One of my best friends alexander. Um, he's amazing. He's in Clona seems like I can't alexander ohm I think is his I G He's a beautiful business coach and.
We had.
Vika Bradford
He said to me god it must have been a month or two ago we are talking about me coming home to Colonna and he was like sister I believe in miracles for you and I was like I believe in miracles and that's sat with me for like two weeks every day I was like I believe in miracles I believe in miracles I believe in miracles and there there they are right? there. And phoneer cooler everywhere how we just need to get out of our own way.
Ah, they are. We do oh my gosh. Okay, well we're at the end of our time but I think this kind of lines us up perfectly. We're talking about manifesting Mercury has gone direct where.
Vika Bradford
Kind of. We're pretty much out of the eclipse shadow now I think great.
Vika Bradford
Where we got about? um okay, what day are we on right now when we're filming this is may sixteenth I am saying personally I feel good about starting to manifest and set intentions around this new moon which is the nineteenth of may. Um.
Vika Bradford
Typically there's like a mini tiny little shadow for the eclips season like a very couple days but I feel good about it. The end of mercury retrograde is actually usually when I start to set intentions. But personally that third week and finishing into this you know last week this week ish I'm just waiting so um.
Um, you can.
Go ahead.
Vika Bradford
You know I am I am going to use this new Moon tourist to set some beautiful Intentions. Do a yummy and juicy ritual personally because it feels like not full steam Ahead. We have other things happening but it feels like there is time there is space now to. Begin to plant some seeds again, especially for the tourist New Moon. It's like yeah plant those seeds Nourish your garden. There is their space Now. It feels good. Yeah, um, you.
Yeah, like it is it though like ah is is there some relief coming.
Vika Bradford
Yes, I mean that all that's such a loaded question right? because it depends what you're going through for your pluto Pluto Square you might experience like a bit of relief when pluto gets off of it and goes to 29 capricorn again and then in.
And you know totally.
Vika Bradford
You know I think it's like January I can't remember the exact date sometime in 2024, you'll have a plutophoto square exact again to pluto transes take 3 years so depending on what's happening in your church heart. You could have a great spring There is beautiful astrology happening right now like Jupiter just moved into tourists. Um. We're going to have some note the nose shifting into libra and aries that'll be exciting in my humble opinion though it could aspect you like shit right Um, or like we're going to have a venus retrograde this summer that could be you know for some very very difficult for others that could be beautiful. So it's so.
Vika Bradford
Ah, hard to say whether someone's point to.
So basically what you're saying is that everybody just needs to book a fucking session with you because everybody's charts different and then you yeah.
Vika Bradford
Literally or join the membership because then you'll be like working through this shit with me. That's what we do right? we self- study um like not only do we do the the dark Moon rituals where you're going to tap into that section of your chart every month but like we actually do a selfudy through the chart as well and we study.
Ah, yes, yeah.
Vika Bradford
A different aspect of your chart every single month so you can learn why you operate the way you operate So when you go through these moments you're like oh that's why and that like the whole point of my work is to empower you to not be a victim right to provide tools so that.
Um, and.
Vika Bradford
When we're going through these very deep moments like you're in a very deep moment right now I am definitely in the thick of it right now but because I know the themes and I know how to support myself right? I know I'm going to need. Da da da like I'm going to need this list to get through this shit whether it's nervous system support or movement or whatever it is. We can sort of medicate ourselves through the physical and do the spiritual work and then we move through these things with a little bit of peace didn it a bit right? but you know it's not.
Um, yeah.
Vika Bradford
It's not here to harm us like these moments are not here to create Hell they're here to actually disrupt us into a next next Moment. So I think like everything we've said in this podcast so far is showing you that you can be in the thickest moments of life and still have hope and faith and optimism that. It is bringing you somewhere. Great. Yeah yeah.
Amen Sister yay okay so now that you're no longer on Instagram I I want to talk to you about that after this because yeah I'm sort of feeling something around that as well. But um.
Vika Bradford
I Instagram.
So you're on Tiktok and you're doing your you're doing more email stuff too now.
Vika Bradford
Tikt to I loving I I Really hope I'm not overwhelming people in my email have to be like gentle but like I just love writing emails so much I can put out like more targeted information than like the.
Sp. Then yeah.
Vika Bradford
How much Instagram lets me write. Um, so yeah, definitely like my email list is where I'm really going to be nurturing my people that's where you're going to get like longer reports on the energy I'm probably going to start up a blog. Ah.
Okay, sweet.
Vika Bradford
More focused blog. But yeah Tiktok a lot of fun I friggin love tiktok I have so much fun just like interacting with people on there and then Youtube Youtube's where I'm going to be putting up energy reports podcasts so much stuff is just like the longer form stuff. Youtube come join me there because that's.
Vika Bradford
Where you're going to like be able to tap into like what the hell's going on every month um and work with thegies a little deeper there. Yeah yeah Instagram I'm sorry but it's dead so that's just my two cents on the the topic.
Um, amazing.
Ah I was struggled with it. Yeah no, it does kind of feel like that for me as well. So now it might be making a shift here soon too. Yeah for sure. Okay.
Vika Bradford
Feels like an abusive relationship so I had to get out of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah I respect that I'm sure a lot of your listeners will be feeling the same way. Yeah.
Well thank you again. My love always a pleasure. Everybody listening make sure you connect with vika book a sash 10 and 10 recommend and we've touched you all on the next episode.
Vika Bradford
Such a pleasure.
Vika Bradford
Um, thank you.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe