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Usha Welcome to the wild remedies podcast I have been so looking forward to chatting with you Welcome Welcome And how are you today.
Usha Anandi
Thank you so much I'm doing good today I'm in my premenstrual phase feeling a little raw you know so it's ah it's a nice time to have a conversation and thank you Krista for having me here.
Yeah, oh so so excited about this I mean I would just love to dive we were chatting a little bit before about I was sharing kind of my scorpionic type.
Usha Anandi
Experiences that I've had in my life. Um, having to go through a lot of health issues in order to learn and help share those experiences with other people I have a feeling you kind of resonate with that a little bit. Why don't we talk about your healing journey a little bit to get us.
Usha Anandi
Yeah I love that and you know I always tell people that I never wanted to do this work. It was never my intention to share wombwork or womb healing in any way it was not on my radar I'm not the kind of.
Start it.
Usha Anandi
Person who came into the world knowing exactly what I was going to do I thought I knew what I was going to do and then my womb brought me to my knees and my body brought me to my knees so similar to what you were sharing before kind of these chronic health challenges.
Usha Anandi
You know, screaming at me and needing my attention which forced me to go down a path where I had to focus on my healing and I think anyone who's listening who's had a health crisis and I remember who says it but it's like you know if you're sick. You have one wish and that's to be well and.
Yeah, yeah.
Usha Anandi
So sometimes it's required to drop everything and just focus on yourself. So my journey started really at the I mean I was very constipated from the time I was a child I was born via Caesarian Birth so that was definitely an imprint there and you know had really.
Usha Anandi
Difficult digestive issues throughout my adolescence and it really was catalyzed by my experience of taking oral contraceptives. So I went on the pill at age fifteen and I knew so little about my body and how it worked.
Usha Anandi
All I knew from my very Catholic upbringing was that I didn't want to get pregnant, especially by someone who I wasn't married to so I took the pill every single day and then when I would have sex with my boyfriend unprotected sex with him I would take plan B two.
Usha Anandi
So I was taking oral contraceptives and I was taking plan b at the same time when we would have sex because I had no idea what either 1 were doing to my body I just knew that I didn't want to tell my parents I was pregnant and something that I was told would kind of fix.
Usha Anandi
My cycles. You know my friends told me my boobs would grow the doctor told me it make my skin better. You know what teenage girl doesn't want that it was like looking down at my breasts like really ready for them to just grow and it actually that experience of taking oral contraceptives and just so much.
Usha Anandi
Synthetic hormones and loading my body really brought me to my knees in terms of my health and I started to have cystic acne all over my jaw my chin and my neck my digestive issues got even worse I had mood swings and kind of going through the system. Realizing that? no one really had answers for me and the response I was getting was well try a different pill you know or go on another brand just keep taking the pill and eventually after seeing like 6 or 7 different providers. You know which is exhausting expensive.
Usha Anandi
I decided. Okay, this system doesn't have the answer for me and I originally started studying nutrition and herbalism and birth work with the real intention just to heal myself first because that's what I needed so definitely understand that chronic illness. Being the teacher you know and I say my womb is the ultimate teacher I'm I'm just a student of my own womb. She's taught me my whole way.
Ah that's so powerful and yeah I really resonate with that too and it's funny so many of us I feel that are kind of called to help others on their healing journey. Come from a background of being inundated with a lot of pharmaceuticals right out of fear out of you know, not knowing essentially putting your health into someone else's hands, but it usually starts at such a young age right? and. Our parents didn't seem to have any other information either right? and so that was the same thing like I think I started on birth control when I was around 14 um, you know around that time my but my method of birth control was prayer and.
Usha Anandi
Um, and.
Usha Anandi
So was like you know you're really great to go up but I also started getting um, cystic acne prior and I remember my parents being like Ohh yeah like you're you're gonna get it like we had acne pretty badly like oh you're starting to get it on your back? Yeah, like this is gonna be really bad for you and you know.
Usha Anandi
Um, me.
When you're a 14 year old kid in high school which is just you know the worst social experiment ever for you know poor young beings. Um, it's it's not great. It's not a great feeling and so when the doctor offers you some potential relief. You're going to go for it and.
Usha Anandi
I was lucky in the sense that pharmaceuticals never really had a negative impact in the sense that you know I would get like mood swings and things that a lot of my my girlfriends were experiencing I actually. Thought relief. You know my skin looked amazing. You know I didn't have issues with weight gain and all of those things but as I started to get older my body just started shutting down I was on birth control or some type of hormonal intervention for probably. 25 years took me forever to get off of it right? because the swings in my hormones and I've been off of all hormonal things for just over a year now and like I'm 38 now and. It's been rough like it's not easy to get off that stuff. You know I've probably gained £20 like my skin is freaking out like I'm a teenager again like and I'm supporting myself with herbs and all of the things. But it's like you need to give your body a lot of time to bounce back from. Twenty some odd years of suppressing its natural rhythms and on top of that I was also on all kinds of other medications I think at like 22 I was on eight prescription medications. Yeah yeah, so I totally get that and you know.
Usha Anandi
You have.
I Think our experience is really important to share because it's still something that is pushed on so many people like not just women everybody and you know I was doing some research recently and like the stats of how many people are on pharmaceuticals.
Usha Anandi
And not just one but like multiple it's like 75% of like all western civilization. It's wild. Yeah.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, it's crazy and I think you know being I'm in a little bubble right? Where you forget that and my dad recently had some heart attacks and got a pacemaker put in and now he's on you know, 8 or 9 different kinds of pharmaceuticals and.
Usha Anandi
Once you get pushed into that system. It can be really hard to get out like you said because you know weaning off of those medications is no small task and I've had so many women who come to me and are on the pill and like you have been on the pill for decades right? So they've never really.
E e.
Usha Anandi
Experience What their body is like without them because they got on right at the start of their you know menstruation journey and they've been on it ever since and then there is often that time when you're.
Um, and.
Usha Anandi
Kind of moving those synthetic hormones out of your body and you start to see some of the impacts like skin changes like weight changes maybe mood changes you know and it's scary. It's scary to watch your body go through that and so I see a lot of women get back on them.
Usha Anandi
Because they don't want to go through that journey of detoxing their body from them and I think it's really important to normalize for women and to ask questions about the medicine that we're being given any medicine whether it's herbal medicine or pharmaceuticals to ask questions about.
Usha Anandi
You know and to develop a relationship with our body where we believe ourselves because it's so easy to see an expert telling us. No, it can't be the pill which was always the response that I got no, it can't be the pill. That's not part of the side effects or side effects are very rare.
Usha Anandi
And so when there's that power dynamic. It's also very easy to start to secondguess ourselves so that body connection and believing ourselves seems to be a really important piece too.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely and you know it was interesting What you mentioned about a lot of women or girls at the time going on. Um.
Birth control and things at a very young age and not actually experiencing what it's like to have a true cycle. That's that's literally me and so when I found your work. It was around the time that my body was finally starting to regulate like getting off of all of. Hormones that I've been on I mean I remember just loving like I would go sometimes for months not getting my period at all like even though it wasn't a real period but I would just like oh I'm like traveling and I don't feel like menstruating So I'm just going to continue taking the pill and you know so I. I was so used to doing that for so long and then when I shifted into actually having a proper cycle and ovulating again in all of these things I found there was so much power in learning about that and so your work has been really. Really inspirational for me and very helpful because I'm like oh okay, so this is the reason that I'm feeling like this at this time of the month and here's how I can work with it and you know here's where I need to rest and not feel bad about it and all of those things like it really helps give permission.
Usha Anandi
To a process that we're all naturally going through but it's something that's kind of shunned in our society where you need to push through it act more like a man you know, just push push get through things when there's this huge cry I think in our society and amongst. Um, women to want to move into a more feminine space where we are resting more where we are working with our cycles in order to still create and we could still produce in things. But I think there is a much more. Useful way to do that I'm still trying to figure that out. Yeah because it can be tough. But yeah I mean you're I Just your content has been so so awesome and impactful for me. So Thank you.
Usha Anandi
Me too.
Usha Anandi
Thank you for that and I think you know you named it whether we've been on birth control at all whether we've been on it for decades or whether we're just living in this world like let's just face the fact that this. World and this culture and the path to success that we're taught when we're quite young and that is you know, glorified by society is not in line with our cyclical bodies and our physiology and so a lot of us are trying to.
Here here.
Usha Anandi
Find success. You know, gain achievements. Whatever it is that we want in this life but we're doing it in a way that doesn't work for our body and because we've learned nothing about our bodies in school and maybe there's a gap to if you're like me and what you learned from your elders which for me was nothing.
And here.
Usha Anandi
Then there's confusion right? It's the sense of like wait but I don't wake up and feel the same every day. Why don't I want to go to the gym every day wait. Why don't I want to eat the same things every day. Why don't I want to socialize with my friends every day and it's because men or people with. You know, non-cyclical bodies they operate with the circadian rhythm which is a 24 hour clock that's ruled really and influenced by light and artificial light comes into play but the main source of light the sun and the moon and we have the circadian rhythm but we also have the infradian rhythm which is our. 28 ish right? Everyone has a different length of their cycle 28 ish day cycle. That's our menstrual cycle and so just like we have seasons externally as cyclical-bodied women. We have seasons internally too.
Usha Anandi
And it's really humbling to learn how to listen to your body and be real about how much rest we as women actually need in order to be well.
Um, yeah, and it's funny because many of us are just not getting that rest I saw a post or something I can't remember where where where I saw it. But. Essentially was like when have you ever seen a well rested woman like never right for always doing for other people and taking care of you know, either children or a business or running around like you know like it's just and I know that's part of society and I think. I Wonder when there was a time where people rested more right? like I feel the human experience has just been really tough right? So like there's always been this survival mechanism that requires work to be done. Um. But yeah I Wonder what that looks like where we can get the rest and the support that that we all need like what what would that look like to you.
Usha Anandi
I don't know that's the world. You know I'm trying to create for myself and for my daughter and I really rub up on these patterns. You know it's not just the world that we're living in but it's our lineage and what's happened in our mother line. So for me, you know I have a mom. Who is very type a and her mother had 7 kids she was the last or she was a second to last so six out of 7 and my grandmother's mother passed when she was four so I come from this lineage of women who. Haven't really ever had that mother who had the time to rest for whatever reason and I think that you know there's so many reasons why rest isn't accessible when we're just trying to survive. We're not thinking about are my hormones balanced. You know we're just in survival mode.
And so so.
Usha Anandi
So I think that the movement away from rest really has a lot to do with Colonialism you know and just kind of this walling off and disconnection between ourselves and the Land. So I'm. Trying to reach back in my ancestry and find that time where that rest exists and and I haven't found it yet and so that's something too that can be really challenging when you're trying to create that space for yourself and we see all these people like rest is Important. We We might know like the impact that rest has on our hormones and how you know our stress hormones eat into our sex hormones and can disrupt our cycles. We might know how you know inflammation causing stress hormones are on our tissues in our body. But if we don't have a felt sense of what it feels like to actually pause and respond to our body through the practice of rest which comes from our parents modeling that and that's something that I learned recently is that self-care is Modeled. So if you grew up in a home.
Usha Anandi
Where your parents didn't know how to resource themselves or your mother or your you know mother figure didn't have a practice of self-care. It's really hard to find that felt sense of self-care inside of yourself because there is no example of that in your home. And so it's like starting from ground 0 and you know, kind of finding your way through the dark even with a blindfold on because you've got no breadcrumbs to follow. There's no clarity in what that would look like or where to even start. So I think a lot of us myself included are experimenting. You know and starting at ground 0 and I think 1 thing I've noticed is that the need for rest can look like so many different things and if you feel crappy that's a sign that you might need rest if you feel feel spacy. That's a sign that you might need rest.
Usha Anandi
If you feel ungrounded. That's a sign that you might need rest so previously you know before really taking rest seriously which I have to as a mother and a business owner just for my own health. I never knew what rests what? that first cue of needing to rest was I thought it was like exhaustion you know so I would miss those beginning steps of oh I'm feeling off or I'm feeling spacey or ungrounded and in this world I think so many of us myself included. Are so used to I'm feeling spacey. Let me reach for another coffee drink it and power through right because I gotta get this done instead of oh I'm feeling spacey. That's a sign even a 10 minute break can be so restorative.
Usha Anandi
And so for listeners who have full lives who are mothers business owners you know, parents whatever it is caregivers Even those small breaks that we can weave in through our day really make such a difference and that's what I've learned from my journey.
Um, yeah, absolutely yeah and I think it's kind of like this dance of learning to check in with her intuition and. That's maybe 1 of the beautiful things that I've learned about having chronic health conditions is like it's brought me to my knees in a sense where like I don't have any other choice but to lay down you know like I feel like I've actually had enough fucking rest in this lifetime you know I've been flat out on my back.
Usha Anandi
Um, this.
On the couch many many many days in this lifetime because I just literally could not function and I'm over it. But it's still kind of part of the process that I'm in and I need to honor that because I have pushed through all of that stuff before and guess what. It just makes it so much worse you know? Yeah so I think it's really important to come to a point where you can just honor what your body needs like for example, yeah yesterday I think it was or no the day before.
Usha Anandi
Um, a.
Woke up feeling. Not so great I'm going through a lot of pretty intense things through this eclipse season. Um, so there is some grief feelings that are coming up for me and got up in the morning I had some meetings that I had to attend to that I was really just. Pushing through but you know I had to show Up. We have to show up for things still but I could feel this kind of energy of like almost like nausea. Um little bit of like anxiety coming up and sometimes I have a hard time processing my emotions because I rationalize them and I'm just like it's.
Usha Anandi
No, everything's gonna be fine I don't need to be feeling like this you know like this is so silly and I'm not going to have a complete mental breakdown when I had this circumstance like I did last time right? like I'm a grown ass woman. No, we're not doing this just fuck off emotions right.
Usha Anandi
But ah like so I'm not really maybe feeling some of those feelings but my body is starting to get upset right? and I'm just like oh my god like am I going to throw up in the middle of this meeting what the hell's going on and by the end of you know my morning meetings I'm like okay like. I am not feeling well like my inflammation was really really really high um just exhausted just feeling shitty and I'm like you know what I need to get something out so I'm gonna go do some breath work. So I walked upstairs laid myself down started doing breathwork and like within like the first few cycles I was in like the full. Tetany tingling all over that usually takes me quite a while to get to that stage but it was like my body's like no like we need to process this and had you know a good good sobbing emotional release and it was like who I really needed that right and that took like maybe 30 minutes or so.
Usha Anandi
And I know it can be hard to do sometimes in our busy day but I felt a lot better I mean the rest of that day I was kind of tender but the next day definitely lighter right? like sometimes we have these things in in our body that we need to to process and it really helps if you can just make time.
Usha Anandi
I Love that Thank you for sharing that and I was thinking while you were talking that you know this thought of like I've been on my back enough I've rested enough and I'm over it and I think about how much of a deficit So many of us are born into.
To do that now.
Usha Anandi
So if you can imagine that each time you rest adds a dollar to your bank account. But you know the last 4 generations of women in your family never got to rest for whatever reason then. Many of us are born into a deficit right? where thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars into rest debt and so many of us with chronic health issues aren't just dealing with our bodies. We're dealing with the low vitality. That we inherited from our family line from those years of not being able to rest. So it's like we don't see the you know positive growth because we're not in the positive yet. We're just making up that deficit from our lineage.
Oh my gosh that makes so much sense I come from a long line of workaholics right? like working yourself into the ground is like the number one. It's it's like the best thing that you can do in our family actually.
Usha Anandi
Me to.
Usha Anandi
Um, yes, me too. It's like crazy. Yay.
Right? Yeah, it's like oh you're you're you're working really hard. You're making lots of money. Okay, great like everything is fine right? We don't talk about emotions. We don't do any of that stuff. But you're making money cool. That's the that's the number one value in in my family and so that's yeah.
Usha Anandi
Yes, me.
Usha Anandi
That's definitely something that's rubbed off on me and something that I'm trying to work on unwinding and it's interesting I'm actually starting um to work with a health practitioner here shortly on looking at some of those deeper elements and trying to root them out through Hypnotherapy because she's like.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, you got like a bunch of family stuff and like you know, epigenetics and all of those things coming into play that need to be worked on as well because you're right, You know really did started out where we started out with a deficit and yeah, it's you know I feel like this generation. Especially. Has just been equipped and kind of I don't know gifted I guess with this healing journey right? and.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, and and so blessed of you know so many of us for the first time ever have the freedom in society have the financial resources have the.
Into the.
Usha Anandi
You know, basic support of not having to grow our own food or hunt our own animals or wonder if the food that we're going to have for the winter will stay you know fresh so we can eat it like we've got so many conveniences that have. Freed up space and time for us to work on these things and yet it's come up. It's like an avalanche you know and I think for a lot of us. It doesn't make sense like with my own health Journey I'm like what the heck you know like.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Usha Anandi
I'm doing all these things I know all this stuff I'm so dedicated like I live such a healthier life than so many people but I'm that person in my lineage who inherited that deficit and for whatever reason blessing or curse I'm the person who has to work on it.
Yeah, and I think it's a pivotal time too. You know as we go through such huge shifts just in humanity right? It's like this this is the pivotal turning point. Right? There's many many many many many of us on the planet that need to go through this process in order for us to move forward to get to that point of evolution where we can have more rest right? We're at this point where we need to envision what that future. Looks like and we did have to get to this point you're right like there were so many burdens of just pure survival and we're starting to move into a future where there could be more openness and rest in all of those things but we need to heal that generational. Trauma and clear all of that stuff in order to to get to that space.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, and I mean I you know I'm so questioning of I really question whether or not all of these conveniences have taken stress out of our life. You know does having Instagram on your phone take stress away from you. No.
Mean No no yep.
Usha Anandi
For me, it doesn't it only adds stress you know does having the ability for someone to call you at 24 hours of the day take stress away from you and no it doesn't so it's this interesting thing for me, it's it's this question of like I'm always thinking like this system sucks. And we've just created this system. So let's create another one where we can thrive because clearly it's not working for for the majority of people. It's not working right for some. It might be but that's a question I think about like wait money does.
Yeah, me.
Usha Anandi
Grow on trees food grows on trees food grows in the ground. What are we doing. We could all just be singing songs and you know be naked in the sun.
Um, yeah.
Right? I know and I think there's so many of us that are really called to that lifestyle now and it's gonna be interesting to see that shift and how that goes like what like just kind of paint a picture like in your mind like what what would that look like for you. Ideally and like how how do you kind of see maybe society moving.
Usha Anandi
I think you know I'm a mother and you know and and the main financial. My my daughter's father and I aren't together. So we co-parent but it's still you know it's still a lot of the mental load on me. So. What I imagine is just a world where women can be together and that's my main focus and it's not to exclude men men are welcome and you know all beings are welcome. But for me, it's really that focus of women physiologically we need each other in these initiationss administration and pregnancy and postpartum. And menopause these big initiations that are in our cells physiologically like inside of our bodies and connected to our life rhythm we need each other to hold each other's hands to cook alongside one another. To wash our clothes together to brush our hair together I I really feel that deep ache in my heart for that and whenever I come into ceremony with women or gather with women through my work at woman wellness. There's this sense in my body that this is right. And I don't have a felt sense of that in my life like I grew up very much in the Us and a nuclear family I never really knew that sense of community but in my animal body in my primal self There's a sense that that's right? So that's what I dream of you know and I I think about.
Usha Anandi
How I can create that world for my daughter and and actively try to create that I don't know I I feel lots of women are yearning to be together. So that's my dream I don't have the details. Krista.
Um, yeah and I know well it's funny. It's like I know I've been really dreaming of like just getting on land and I just want to walk outside and be in the forest.
Usha Anandi
You know's like I'm I'm very lucky where I am I live in a beautiful location and you know I have a yard and all of those things but it's like I Just really yearn for those forest frequencies all the time and and building community right? like just like you said, that's where we're tribal tribal. Humans right? like we need to have that Community. We've lost it. The separation that we have in our society The severe severe dysfunctions that we're experiencing are because of isolation right? and.
Usha Anandi
As a pisces Moon I Know all about isolation and I do it to myself. A lot of times but I've I've experienced that deeply and how that really affects my health and I see it happening everywhere and it breaks my heart.
Usha Anandi
And it's funny because you know I'm starting to really experience a lot of beauty in community right now going through this you know difficult little process that I'm going through right now just watching people in my life show up for me when I just I can't even feed myself. That day I'm just so exhausted right going through all this emotional stuff and I have a girlfriend that shows up and is like please like anytime just like I I would love to come over and cook for you and I'm just like really you know. And just the way that people have been showing up and it just seems like everyone in my community at least just really dreams of you know all going on land together and you know bringing some of those traditional values back into our being and you know when I kind of think of the future. And how that could look like you know I think there is going to be a little bit of um, you know, continued separation in our society and what people are kind of drawn to. But for me, you know it's merging some of the technologies and stuff that we have but getting back to a way of living that is. Much more holistic and in tune with how we naturally should be living because the more we integrate all of this new stuff and the toxins and the chemicals and all of the manufactured shit the sicker and more separated.
That we we get right? and so we kind of have to get back to a place where we are. You know, growing our own food and learning some of these life skills and things that also allow us sovereignty because there is an aspect of you know, Maybe we could have more rest. By having more of you know a socialist type system where everybody is just kind of like taking care of on a certain level. But I think we also have to be really mindful of like making sure that we still have our sovereignty and and can take take care of ourselves and have autonomy over our lives. So yeah, it's such a. But such a crazy time. Yeah well my gosh I have a whole bunch of questions for you Still here that I haven't even gotten to that was such a beautiful conversation. Yeah.
Usha Anandi
Um, this happens let's ask me them I'm like sitting here like dreaming of land in the forest.
And ah, ah, yes, well, Okay, let's get back to let's see what should we chat about here some of the notes that I've made like I'd love to know about some tips that listeners.
Better listening right now can maybe glean some interest into how to stop fighting against our cyclical nature.
Usha Anandi
Yes, such a good question so you know as you're talking Krista I think I thought about such a huge point in my womb health journey for me was this realization that I wasn't broken and that it wasn't my fault.
Usha Anandi
That my body was fucked up and there is ah certainly a degree of responsibility that we have to take for our health right? if we want to heal. No one can heal. Our body has to regenerate itself. We have to do that healing. But to realize that I was living in a world that wasn't created with my physiology in mind and that that culture deeply impacted how I felt in my body and how I experienced myself and took care of myself. That was a big change for me so you know there might be people listening who just have this inkling that something isn't right and that we're living in this world that doesn't really make sense and doesn't align with what their body feels and so the first step is to believe your body.
Usha Anandi
Believe your body and what your body's telling you so you know we talked about I think you and I both I can definitely say that I am also very good at trying because it doesn't work trying to think my way out of my emotions and trying to think my way out of my physiology. You know, no I can I can work out on my period. It's fine this time but the reality is that our physiology cannot be manipulated or hacked or no corners can be cut. Our physiology lays the ground for that truth and that foundation of thrival so it's about returning to our physiological rhythm so we talked in the beginning about everyone living by the rhythm the circadian rhythm our 24 hour sleek wake cycle. But then you know we also. Have um, the monthly and fredian rhythm and so your menstrual cycle is divided into four distinct phases and just like mother earth has seasons. We have seasons. So just like mother earth has those 4 distinct phases. We ourselves have those 4 to sink seasons too. So we have our inner spring our inner summer inner fall inner winter and I like to call them these seasons because there's a felt sense in our body of what the seasons offer us right? you especially living in Canada.
Usha Anandi
Probably no very viscerally in your body. The beauty of spring after a long winter I've been to Canada in the spring. It's like glorious. Everyone is very happy and blooming and so we have that felt sense of the seasons in our bodies and I like to teach them in this way.
Um, is oh yeah, yep.
Usha Anandi
Because it helps us remember that we are nature and that idea that we are nature is really central to Eastern Medicine to traditional Chinese medicine and ayurveda and if we think that we are nature then we have to consider that. Everything that we do to nature is also done to us So when I see dozens of women in my inbox saying I've been on the pill for X amount of years never had more than 1 or 2 true menstrual cycles. What do I do.
Usha Anandi
But I see you know Oceans full of plastics and I see you know Forest deforested I see the female body in what's being done to us and what we've done to ourselves so we are nature and that means to honor our seasons.
Usha Anandi
We have to remember our natural rhythms so waking up with the sun is just an example and research shows that when you get morning sunlight it actually helps with the hormone production in your body that is really central to your menstrual cycle. Going to sleep as the sun goes down or at least you know turning off your phone 2 hours before you go to sleep will help your body start the melatonin process so that you can get deeper more restful sleep. That's essential and here's the thing about sleep for women. We need more sleep than men or noncyclical bodies do because our adrenals play such a big role in our hormone production versus men who produce the majority of their hormones in their testes for us. We also rely on our adrenals for some hormone production. And so sleep is when the and when the adrenals and the kidneys are restored with their vital life force energy. So if we're just going by you know western allopathic science 7 hours 8 hours of sleep is good is what western allopathic medicine says. Which you know is largely based on studies done on men then we might actually be undersleeping so research shows that most women actually need 8 to 10 hours of sleep.
Usha Anandi
And so I was under resting even in my sleep time for a long time and because of that I experienced a lot of adrenal fatigue. So just starting with the basics of we are nature. So the key to our healing is remembering that and returning to nature so starting to set up our Circadian rhythms.
Usha Anandi
To wake up with the sun get morning sunlight if you can get morning sunlight before you look at a screen all the better and then going to sleep with the sun going down and I know in Canada it probably stays light for a long time.
Usha Anandi
Is that right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Um, in in the summertime it can it depends how how north you are yeah because I was actually wondering about that. You know when I used to live way up north in Northern Bc the sun would come up at like. 4 in the morning and it would go down at like midnight.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, totally and you know the beautiful thing about that is our bodies If we've been living in that environment for so long and we've gone through a really dark winter we are supposed to have been eating more heavy foods have been sleeping way longer.
Usha Anandi
And so we could stay awake a lot longer too. But the reality is most of us don't have work schedules that change with the seasons most of us you know, don't even live sometimes in 1 place all year and that's not most of us but some so if we were truly just attuned to the earth.
Usha Anandi
Our body would be prepped for that. But because we're expected to be at the same work same time every day on our Zoom calls or you know at the office the same time we're not set up for that and so that's where it gets really hard. Some other tips I'm thinking about just really easy things without going too deep into it is. Considering how to align your movement or exercise with your cycle so exercising with your cycle looks like again honoring the cyclical nature of your body.
Usha Anandi
And that means if you don't want to do high intensity workout on your period or it feels like you know you're dragging yourself to the gym during your premenstrual phase. There's a reason for that and exercise, especially the way that most of us. Practice exercise in our modern Worlds which is very intense is also a form of stress and especially if you struggle with low adrenal reserves and you have things like Pc Os or adrenal fatigue.
Usha Anandi
You Absolutely really want to go light on exercise, especially just all around the board but in inner spring which is known in the Western world as the follicular phase which starts after the blood of your menstrual Cycle stops. It's when studies that show that we actually have greater capacity to build muscle tissue during this phase. So This is a great time to do you know your weightlifting your heavier more high intensity workouts. You're more sweating you just have more energy during this space to burn and this is when Estrogen is rising and then in ovulation as well in our inner summer when Estrogen and a little peak in testosterone and Estrogen Peaks as Well. This can also be a high intensity Time. So I'm thinking you know. High intensity Interval training going to spin class going for a run um, doing weightlifting the first half of your cycle is the time when your body is ready to optimize those kinds of workouts. But here's how you know if you've gone too far after a workout. Yes, you may be sore and you may be kind of like whoa I Just got my butt kicked. You know, but you want to feel always refreshed after a workout regenerated energized.
Usha Anandi
So I remember my mom who has you know been really low in her adrenal reserves probably for most of her life. We talked about the lineage that I come from too overwork workaholics same as you So I remember she went to a hot yoga class and hot yoga is I mean that's ah we could do a whole podcast on that.
Um, in in.
Usha Anandi
But that is extremely extremely drawing for your body. The sweat is our Yin in chinese medicine. It's our fluids in our body so sweating a lot is really depleting especially if you're already coming to class depleted. So I remember my mom went to one hot yoga class and usually people who are already stressed are drawn to hot yoga right? because it's like you stretch a lot you sweat a lot you you crave that feeling of being kind of dead afterwards. But I remember my mom said that she just felt like she got hit like. Buy a truck for like three days after hot yoga and that's a sign that that was way too much for her body and that kind of exercise actually probably definitely only further depleted her so you want to look for that sign from your body afterwards does it feel like too much. Am I wiped out on the couch can I do my work the next day am I refresh because those are all clues from your body as to what the line is for too much and then as we move into the last 2 phases of the cycle.
Usha Anandi
Interfall in or winter which is your premenstrual phase your luteal phase and your menstrual phase which is inner winter this is the time to look for more restorative activity. So we still want to move our body premenstrually so that the energy doesn't stagnate which is a major cause of menstrual cramps. But we don't want to do high intensity workouts because we don't have the vitality for this. Our energy is completely focused inward on our uterus you can think if we conceived this is the time where that fertilization in those first few weeks of pregnancy happen. And so we're going the fertilization excuse me an implantation so we're sending all of our energy inwards. This is a very inward turning time. Oh I lost you for a second.
Yeah, you're back. Can you see me.
Hello k.
Usha Anandi
Okay, I'm just gonna keep talking reconnected.
Um, oh yeah, can you see me now that was nowhere.
Usha Anandi
Oh can you hear me? Yeah, okay I was like um, did I I was like is this the thing you were telling me about I remember where I was though. Yes, we just finished a launch in this time it was hell.
No, this is this is Mercury retrograde. That's what's happening. Yeah oh oh my God Oh good. We we can edit this part out. Ah.
Usha Anandi
So This is this is light. Okay, cool. Um, So our premenstrual phase is our inward turning time. We've got all of our energy focus. On our uterus and turning Inward. So This is why so many people feel more creative, restful kind of raw during this phase. So These are the phases especially that we want to do more restorative exercise I'm thinking like low impact palodi restorative yoga. Yen Yoga going for a walk in nature swimming all of these kinds of activities can still help move the energy through the channels of our body and prevent stagnation without overtaxing our system and if you're someone who has adrenal fatigue. Or you know you really need to save energy due to difficult birth or you're exhausted and depleted already. You have Pcs. It's really something to think about just going towards low impact anyway and just doing low impact all across the board.
He he.
Usha Anandi
Because we really need energy to burn if we want to do high intensity workouts. So That's just a little overview of moving according to your cycle and hopefully can help. Some people make sense of why you dread going to the gym when you're on your period or why you you know, want to lift weights when you have more energy in your follicular phase your inner spring and just that reminder that exercise Science. Just like most medical fields has been largely based on research done on men and so the way we need to move our bodies looks really different because what we need to Thrive looks really different from other people.
Um, eating.
Yeah, thank you so much for sharing that I think that exercise bit is such an important part for people to understand I was always not always, but for several years of been very active.
Usha Anandi
And I pushed myself to continue being very active through chronic health conditions through big you know emotional things that I've I've gone through in the past thinking that well exercise is supposed to make you feel better.
Usha Anandi
Right? You know I need to gain muscle in order to be healthy I need to do all of these things I need to I need to I need to I need to and it brought me to a point I remember last summer is my birthday and. Took a bunch of my girlfriends to the kootenais beautiful mountain range here in Canada and we did this really spectacular hike I was premenstrual but I was also I mean I've been struggling with adrenal health for a really long time. Um, but I think the big shift in my hormones getting off of all of the pharmaceuticals and things it just my my body was in a very different state and it was kind of in collapse but I didn't realize it until I did this hike and I mean normally you know. Have a lot of energy and like the hike wouldn't have been a problem but I dragged my ass up that mountain and it was a huge ego hit for me because I was like oh my god like I can't keep up everybody else is like way ahead of me, you know this this really sucks. Why is my body like this.
Usha Anandi
But what I experienced after was wild like I probably gained 5 or £10 of inflammation overnight like my body blew up I was so sick and like it. It took me almost two weeks to recover.
Usha Anandi
From that hike and I was like whoa. Okay like I am clearly very very depleted like that that that's not normal like something's going On. Um, and since then like it's been almost a year. Um, and kind of starting a whole other level of my healing journey I've really had to dial back the exercise and it's been hard really really hard because I love my adventurous hikes and you know my long bike rides and doing all those things. But. My body just cannot handle it right now and I'm you know doing some really beautiful healing with homeopathy and all these things but it's dragging out a lot of things and making those symptoms worse along the way while my body processes everything. Um. And it's been.. It's been Tough. So I think it's just really important to listen to that you know like you don't want to get to the point where I'm at where you know sometimes like a very light walk is enough for me to feel like crawling back home. Ah, sometimes you know.
Usha Anandi
Um, yeah, absolutely I'm so glad that you that you named that and you know in traditional and chinese medicine and ayurveda you know in Ayurveda. There's this.
Usha Anandi
You know, kind of separation of the diseases of diseases of undernourishment and diseases of overnourishment and in tcm. It's you know deficiency versus excess and. Excess or overnourishment having more tissue is so much easier to deal with and is better because it just means you have too much right? The jar is too full just pour a little out. But if you're deficient, the jar isn't full enough. Let's say you've got a jar full of water just think about how much time it takes and energy. It takes to create that rain that is eventually going to fill that jar right? and so for deficient, we've got deficiency. We've got undernourishment. It's like.
In it.
Usha Anandi
So humbling how much time it can actually take to build up that vitality again and I had a very challenging birth with my daughter where I lost a lot of blood.
Usha Anandi
And that journey of building my blood up which in tcm blood is one of the densest forms of Chi of life force energy and so you know I so resonate with your story because all these things that used to be so easy for me were like climbing up Mount Everest like the biggest challenge.
This is.
Usha Anandi
And that's one of the issues I see just in general with so much of the wellness culture today is that these things that we're told are good for us aren't always accessible for all of us depending on where we are and really there are no. That's why those tips I gave you today.
Um, yeah, and.
Usha Anandi
Those are good for everyone. It's good for everyone to get morning sunlight. It's good for everyone to turn off your phone before bed. But it's really hard to find those tips that are actually good for everyone because or those herbs that everyone can take because each of us. Has such a different story of what's going on in our bodies and so really taking into account your specific situation and filtering and discerning through information that's out there because not every.
Usha Anandi
Boom Health tip For example, is going to be applicable to you or accessible for you right now and where you are in your journey and I think it's so it's so humbling and so frustrating sometimes to heal.
It certainly is it certainly is and it's a journey right? It's ups and downs and it's all the things. But I mean I am significantly much more healthy than I was.
Usha Anandi
Usha Anandi
You know a decade or so ago and I know the work that I'm putting in now is going to result in huge gains in transformation. But there's a big aspect of patience and taking it one day at a time and learning all these tips on how to Nourish ourselves.
Usha Anandi
Usha Anandi
And you know I Love Love love that you share so much about herbs and I know we're getting close to it at the end of our time but I've also just absolutely fallen in love with herbs and herbalism over the past couple of years here and through my journey with my company wild remedies. And I'd love to just learn a little bit about your process of how you started working with herbs and and how you help other people along those lines too.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, um, there's so much to say you know I've been drinking my herbal drink this whole time I've got this other one next to me. So I think I I came to herbs First you know I've.
Usha Anandi
Been a witch all along I've been an herbal healer all along I just didn't know it and I remember when I was little you know, just playing the majority of the time outside and taking all these different plants and rolling them up into balls and pretending we're selling them at markets and like.
You mean.
Usha Anandi
Building fake fires and pouring them on the fire like it's in me, it's it's somewhere in me and I actually grew up my mom is ah is a registered nurse. So I grew up in a very allopathic home I took.
Um, he he.
Usha Anandi
Loads of antibiotics before the age of 10 you know for ear infections and the like so I didn't have access to a lot of herbal medicine and I so first started getting into herbs because I didn't want to take pharmaceuticals and so I had to find a different alternative and. First started working with herbs in a very much like ah western almost allopathic sense of oh I have a sore throat. What can I use for my sore throat and then my herbalism journey really came alive when I moved to Costa Rica and
Usha Anandi
When I lived in Costa Rica I lived there for 4 years off and on and just being in the tropics I lived I was born in Hawaii and I lived there until I was three and a half so there was something about coming back to this place I was so familiar the the plants were so familiar to the plants where where I was born and.
Usha Anandi
And just feeling the really strong plant spirits that are there in the tropics and I mean it's so hard to say like how the journey started right? It just my herbalism journey just really erodes out of pure curiosity as to what was around me and.
In in.
Usha Anandi
We talk about the scorpio eclipse like I've got a lot of Scorpio in very important places in my chart so kind of this desire to pull back the veil of like this sense of you tell me nature is dangerous but I don't believe you and having this skepticism around that idea.
Usha Anandi
And my dad when I was a teenager he had type 2 diabetes and he actually got it into remission with herbs so that was kind of my first. Watching someone close to me start to use holistic medicine and I'm so grateful for my dad's courage because it really opened that world for me. So I'm really you know. Interested though and mostly eastern herbalism I'm really into tcm herbbaism I'm really entire vedic herbalism and the reason is you know and and formally trained in both western tcm ayurvedic but. The diagnostic system of Eastern Medicine is just so much more in my opinion effective and in healing after my difficult birth with my daughter those have been the formulas that have been the most impactful in my body so you know. I bring herbs into every single day life. My daughter knows like 15 plants already and she's 2 and it's just this kind of I I practice herbalism as a welcoming of the nature that's around me so removing the fear.
Usha Anandi
Around the natural world and realizing that there's so much medicine in your yard right now likely that you could eat and really questioning just like women have been feared witches have been feared. Nature's been feared and she's been feared for her power and so for me.
And I hit.
Usha Anandi
Using Herbal Medicine feels like a rebellion and that's how my myself my inner rebel is like every time I use nature to heal. It's both a homecoming and taking a stand in a sense.
You hear.
I love that? Yeah, that's very much my experience too and it's like this remembering you know? Yeah I just I took this course recently by Camie Mcbride do you do you know her word. Oh she's so sweet at.
Usha Anandi
So. yeah yeah I know Kimmi yes, did you take her herbo oils course. Okay.
No I took her plant communication course and it was all about you know, thinking back into the past and how plants have called to you and as I'm just you know going through her course I'm like oh my God All of my memories from childhood. Tiny to a plant of some sort like the tree that grew in the front yard of the black and white house when when I was a little girl and how that was my tree and when we moved I was so sad because we left the tree behind or like the little tiny. Um.
Usha Anandi
Um, and.
Pansies that grew wild and the teeny teeny tiny strawberries that grew wild in Northern Bc and my grandma like you know, taking me into the garden and picking carrots and like the taste of the fright like all of those are the things that I have the most potent memories to. And it was just such a beautiful awakening to be like oh my god like I've had this in me the whole time and then having that understanding that permission like and it's such a fun experience now too to just literally go out in your backyard like I've been making you know. Adding dandelion into my breakfast every morning and I just went and picked a whole bunch of nettle and I'm making a tonic and showing other people how they can do this as well. I think is so fun to reclaim and my gosh like having your own medicine I can't even explain how empowering that feels.
Usha Anandi
Like all I need is red raspberry leaf when I have menstrual cramps and I was actually shocked at how well it worked. You know I was a little skeptical in the beginning and I was like holy shit like I don't have to take Advil anymore. This is amazing like I had a cough um you know a couple of months ago and I just brewed some mullen tea and I just didn't cough like it was just gone and I slept through the night and I was like wow like this is actually really potent. And it's just it's so beautiful how it works and I find too that it's that the herbs are so much more potent when you have that relationship with them right? So the raspberry leaf that I pick to myself last year is so much more potent for pain relief than the store bought herbs that I purchase. Yeah so I think it's a really beautiful thing that we're reclaiming right now. Um, because yeah, it's another way to just bring back. That that power and sovereignty and that birthright of being able to to heal ourselves through nature because we we are nature.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, it's so it's so empowering you know to to feel like I know I think of I call you know, plant Medicine allies and I think of the plants you know, just like you said you built their relationship with the red Raspberry. We have all these friends you know I go out into I see my colialla my roadsary right? It's like I've got all these plant friends that are here and how beautiful it is to go out into nature and feel like you're surrounded by these friends that you know that you have a relationship with.
You see.
Usha Anandi
That you can call upon in difficult times and that you go to visit every day and you know give love to and it's just such a different way to view the world rather than going out on a hike and thinking Oh My gosh bugs. Plants like what's poisonous am I going to be harmed and being afraid of your environment to learn about it. It's just it is really truly so different for your nervous system and for me I wasn't born into that lineage you know I'm sure.
Usha Anandi
My ancestors absolutely used herbs to heal right? What did what else did they have before pharmaceuticals and that's not the home I was born into but my daughter was born into that home and so by reconnecting ourselves you know.
Usha Anandi
By sharing it with those. We love. We help to spread that relationship and share that wisdom. It's really powerful.
Ah I love that and I love talking to other people that have a similar relationship to plants. It's just it's It's so wonderful to share that with others.
Usha Anandi
Yeah, it's really nice and you find people who won't be weirded out when you're talking to the tea that you made. Yeah.
Ah, seriously and I mean oh my gosh like when I'm by myself in the force like I talk to everybody like in you know I personify it's like oh hi oh friends and you know like the flowers come out and I get so excited and I run up to them and I talked I probably look insane but I don't care.
Usha Anandi
They're my friends and I love them and it's so beautiful and the spring energy that we're having right now is just in my garden yesterday and the lavender is starting to come out and I just picked a little bit in the roma therapyap like oh my god the medicine just in like picking a little juippervarian smelling it while you're walking through the Forest or you know, just. The the fresh buds like that the smell of the air right now is there's just so much medicine I just love it.
Usha Anandi
And I think about I Love how you share that like going out into the forest and you know talking to everyone and I think that's part of the reason that we're having so much ecological crisis right now is because we don't realize what's at stake.
Um, yeah.
Usha Anandi
Most people don't have a relationship with the plants and with the natural world and when you don't have a relationship and something is Unknown. It doesn't feel like such a big deal that it will be lost. But when you know of the power of what's at stake. Then it becomes a really serious thing and you pay Attention. So I think that reconnecting is such an important part. We've been talking a lot about dreaming of the future I Think that's essential.. That's a requirement.
He kept.
Usha Anandi
For our survival and it's not about the Earth's survival. It's about our survival.
Absolutely yeah, cultivating that reverence is what we need in order to protect our home. You know? ah well thank you? Thank you so much for this conversation. We did.
Usha Anandi
Yeah. Thank you? So and we hit so many points.
Yes, um for everybody listening How can they connect with you and learn more and learn from you.
Usha Anandi
Yes, so you can follow us on Instagram at Wooman Wellness it's womb like womb e n wellness and then if you'd like to learn more about the 4 seasons of your cycle I have a free 30 minute workshop it's called power of the period and it will take you through the hormonal emotional physical changes that happen in every phase of your cycle so beyond just what we talked about today which is the exercise and you can find that at
Amazing and I highly recommend that 1 You guys I think I've done it and it was it gave me so much value. So 10 out of 10 recommend.
Usha Anandi
On my so thank you.
Wonderful. Well thank you, Thank you again for all of your wisdom in this beautiful conversation and thank you and for everyone listening um you know, share this episode with somebody that you feel will get some value from it and let's keep the conversation going.
Usha Anandi
Thank you so much for having me on krista.
Thank you.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe