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Welcome Lisa to the wild remedies podcast I am so excited to talk to you today. How are you.
Lisa Strbac
I'm very well I'm really excited to be on. Thank you for having me nothing I love more than talking about homeopathy and sharing the knowledge. The world needs it right now. So yeah, really happy to be on. Thank you.
Absolutely I was just saying before we started recording that I have so many questions for ah so um I have just kind of started on the homeopathy journey myself and.
Lisa Strbac
Pretty good.
I've mentioned this a couple of times on the podcast before so any listeners that listen to the show religiously will probably have heard this but my very first experience with homeopathy was probably about a decade ago and I was I had stopped. A antidepressant that I had been on for a while and I was getting some really gnarly symptoms right? So like the brain zaps and feeling dizzy and nauseous and all of those things and but I was like I need to get off this stuff so I'm just going to kind of write it out.
Lisa Strbac
I Decided to go to the health food store so I was like well I don't really know where else to turn and I went to the health food store and I was like I don't know like I'm really dizzy I'm having all these symptoms I'm not sure what to take and um, one of the people working there recommended this homeopathy remedy. Think it was called Vertigo Heal and I was like okay, whatever you know like I was a huge skeptic. Um I still kind of am in some senses like I find all of this stuff really fascinating, but it's it's such a different way of.
Lisa Strbac
What we're normally exposed to especially in the west here when it comes to medicine. So I'm excited to impact some of that stuff with you today but I had such a crazy experience with this because like it it wasn't the placebo effect because I was like well this is bullshit. But I'm just going to buy it because I don't really know what else to do I took 1 of those pills and the symptoms were gone and never came back so is like what what what? and I mean again, this was like ten years ago was in my twenty s and I was like okay, cool. Well that was great and then never really thought about it again and never reached for homeopathy again. Even though I've had like this very long healing journey that.
Lisa Strbac
I've been on so recently I have been working with a practitioner here who has also been on the podcast. He's coming on again. So we can talk more about this process and how he diagnoses he uses like bioresonance and all of these things and he's had me on. Remedies for the past three or four months now and it's been really interesting because like for the first 2 weeks of every remedy that he gives me. It's like all of these old symptoms start flaring up and I'm like okay well it's doing stuff right.
Lisa Strbac
Um, and.
And so I'd love to chat with you more about what that is and what people can expect and all of the things. But I think what would be really like a good place to start is just if you could explain what homeopathy is to people and myself.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, yeah, do you know? what? and I love your story because I used to be a skeptic as well and I similarly I think so it's such a similar story people kind of use homeopathy as a last resort they don't really know what it is. They've exhausted all other avenues and then you get this of well. Response quite often and people start delving and then you become when you look into what it actually is it turns your world upside down because it's it's energy Medicine. There is nothing material in those remedies So remedies. Although they often come in little balls.
Lisa Strbac
Um, they're just a carrier for the energy of the original substance. So it was founded over two hundred years ago by Hanemanm and he came across this principle of like you as like which many of us have heard of. But basically he was ah he was a medical doctor. He was disillusioned and he um was reading he was translating and he was reading about in um, some medical literature about a particular drug the peruvian bark which was often used for malaria and it said that it worked because it had as stringent properties. And he thought well if that's the case. Why don't all drugs that have a stringent properties cure malaria so being a curious kind of guy. He took um, he actually took a bit of peruvian bark when he was healthy and he got the symptoms of malaria and this is where he came up with this concept of. Like you is like he thought well actually I'm healthy and I get the symptoms of malaria when I take peruvian bark. But if someone has those symptoms it heals them but obviously in its crude form. It's toxic. So. He decided to start kind of messing around and diluting it now we know if we keep diluting substances. They don't do anything they they become nothing but he had this process where he'd surcuss the remedy that basically means shaking it so he'd.
Lisa Strbac
Take one part of the substance dilute it to 99 parts liquid and he'd shake it and that shaking kind of releases the energy which I know sounds a bit far-fetched but when you look at the science and water having memory and all this emerging science that's coming out. Um, and structured water. You start to realize actually why this may do something and he kepting it down. Um, so one part to 99 is one c one the centesimal scale and he'd keep doing that now once it's gone past.
Lisa Strbac
12 c where it's gone through that process 12 times. It has no material substance left it just contains the energy and most homeopathy remedies that you buy in a regular kit will be even 30 c. Or 200 hundred c so they have been diluted to the point there is absolutely no material dose left. Um and what we do is. We're always treating the individual with homeopathy so we are looking to match the individual symptoms. To their energetic nature of that remedy. So each remedy has ah has a profile it covers different symptoms and we're always treating the individual with that like you as like so we're trying to match the remedy that best matches the individual symptoms. So. It's really individualized. And it's completely energetic and I say completely once it's gone above twelve c because you can get some remedies that work on a more material level. But for most people it's energetic because they get it in the 30 c. And um, it's completely unlike allopathic medicine because we're always treating the individual not the label or diagnosis and it's working on energy rather than chemical substances. So that's it in a nutshell I mean there's so much to it. But in like a.
Yeah, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
A 3 minuteute nothell that's kind of yeah homeopathy explained.
Yeah, no, that is a great explanation. Um, and thank you for that. It's really hard to find information about it online right? like.
Lisa Strbac
If you google homeopathy you're just going to get like a whole page or 10 pages of like quackery right? this quackery it doesn't work. It's bullshit that ah that like there's so much controversy and pushback.
Lisa Strbac
Against homeopathy which is kind of interesting. Um, especially because the people that I know that have had results with it's like it's kind of miraculous.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yeah.
Yeah, So there's probably a lot of different reasons for that which we will dive into because you know I have my suspicions of course. But um, yeah, it's interesting and the way that I've explained it so Far. So I recently had my mom. Um, have an appointment with the practitioner that I'm currently working with because she's at the end of her robe too with allopathic Medicine. She is a nurse and so she works in in the system. Um, but she's with sick for 17 years with all kinds of symptoms and.
Lisa Strbac
Been blamed on Menopause and all these things put on antidepressants and like she's just getting worse and worse and worse and worse and um I was like okay well you know I was like I know you don't believe in this but like just it what what other choice. Do you have right? like.
Lisa Strbac
I've seen this guy really really help people I'm going through this process now to just do it right? and so she gets her testing done and comes back with things that I knew were an issue for her I was like I told I was like mom you have parasites and you have bacteria. And that's exactly what he found but what I was trying to explain you know what? the remedies were I was like I don't know it's kind of like ghosts in water that heal you and she's like what? Ah, She's like this is crazy crystal like I don't.
Lisa Strbac
Want to do this I'm like just do it Just do it like just trust me just do it and now that she has like this diagnosis that is obviously like very very accurate to the symptoms that she's having and she's starting on the process. You can see like things are changing for her and she's like oh man. Okay I think there's really something to this. So.
Lisa Strbac
It's a cool process and I think a lot more people are going to start gravitating towards things like this because we're just not getting results with allopathic treatment.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, that's I mean that's the story that we hear. Sadly, you know so frequently with so much chronic disease out there and allopathic medicines pretty much suppresses symptoms for chronic issues. It doesn't actually get to the root calls.
Lisa Strbac
Um, it suppresses symptoms it often drives symptoms deeper so things often don't get resolved it was where homeopathy all it is actually doing is stimulating self-healing it never suppresses. It's kind of like shining a light almost on the issue.
I had him.
Lisa Strbac
So that the body the vital force we call it homeopathy but whatever you want to call it Chi or Prana or just you know our soul and however you want to call it. It shines a light to say hey this is what you need to fix and then the body almost it just gives insight.
Lisa Strbac
To what actually needs to be resolved and it just triggers self-healing and that's what is completely the opposite almost everything you've learned on allopathic medicine. It's the opposite with homeopathy even to dosing. You know we give the minimum dose. We just want a one dose ideally to trigger that self-healing and to do less is more. Um, and it complete I think that's why when you get results when you actually see hang on this little sugar pill did something and when I go on Google it says it's quackery and it's pseudoscience and you're like this isn't pseudoscience because that's my experience too. I you know I had a similar experience to you? um. You start delving into it and it almost flips what we know about the world. It confirms. We don't live in a material world and I think it's it's a very deep area where you start delving into and realizing that things are completely different from what we've been told.
Absolutely and I think it's really merging what we're starting to discover more where we're bridging science with spirituality right? Um, you mentioned water you but you're probably familiar with Theta Austin's right.
Lisa Strbac
Lisa Strbac
Um, yeah, love has stuff. It's amazing. Amazing! yeah.
Isn't it cool. Yeah, she's coming on the podcast in a couple of weeks and so I'm really excited to chat with her so anybody listening what was that documentary about water. It's essentially sums up the work that she's doing but there I can't remember it now.
Lisa Strbac
There's there's a few well I follow Vedder's work ah love what she does. There's a few documentaries about the water so her work is a based so on a lot of Dr Masro Moto's work
Yeah, yes, yep.
Lisa Strbac
And then there's also um Dr Luke montania hopa pronounced his name right? He um, passed away I think last year but he was a nobel prize winner. He discovered the h iv virus and there's a Youtube documentary I'll try and send you the link if you want but it's where.
Um, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
They actually imprint the h I v virus into water and they send it via a computer to imprint in another lab somewhere else and it's it's amazing because it's about 50 minutes long but it really shows how water like can carry the memory of substances.
Yeah yep, ah this is so cool I've oh man I listened to this documentary the other day too. Um, this guy he's like cute I don't know he's a computer genius and he's.
Lisa Strbac
It's really fascinating all of this area.
Taking substances using a laser of some sort to gather the information about what it is and then he's imprinting it into like Crystals or gels that you can put onto your skin that have like stem cells and stuff in it and like these people like that that he's.
Lisa Strbac
Our maze.
Using it on or like having these miraculous healing results and I'm like what is happening like we are just at such a cool precipice right now when it comes to health care and I think all of us are just like Wow Wow like it's just it's It's such a huge paradigm shift but it's.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
So exciting. It's like magic's real.
Lisa Strbac
It is and do you know what? that is odd. Do you know that is exactly what as a homeeopath and my friends that are Ho homeopaths. We know it works and we see it working day in day out, but we're still always amazed by it because of that is magic. It's like we literally feel like.
Here up.
Lisa Strbac
Which is because it's like this stuff is crazy what it does and we can look in our books to see what remedy is going to work for that individual and it still never ceases to amaze me the results you can get like from day-to-day acute to you know I had um. 1 of my most significant cases was a girl nine years old nonverbal autistic child that started speaking after taking a remedy but that remedy was made on my machine so it didn't you know it was even more like next level and I'm just like how this stuff works. You know it's still.
Lisa Strbac
Ah, mystery in some ways where it's emerging the science behind it. But I just find it Absolutely amazing. It really is.
On her. It is. It's very cool. Okay, so you mentioned this machine for making remedies. So essentially like I'm taking tinctures right now like 1 was in alcohol. Another one seems to be some sort of saline solution I have this. Amazing little helios homeopathy kit that I was inspired to purchase because I've been following. You haven't broken into this thing yet. But I actually woke up with some symptoms I think I ate some gluten earlier.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yeah.
In the week and I have a little bit of inflammation. So I want to ask you about that and see which one of these I should try taking today. Um, but these are essentially just little sugar pills right? So there's lots of different ways to do it is there any like what? what's the difference between you know, having it in a solution.
Lisa Strbac
Um, and.
Versus like a sugar pill.
Lisa Strbac
That's a really good question. So basically the way remedies are made. Um, so I kind of when the beginning I very briefly whizzed over it. So every remedy will originally be made by getting the original substance. So homeopathy remedies can be made out of everything and we have like over 8000 now so some of them are made out of plants. Some of them are made out of body tissues. Some animals minerals diseases toxins anything almost but you get the original substance and you dilute that to 99 parts of water succuss it which is shake it and then you take 1 drop of that already diluted part and dilute it again. So you keep going through that process so you can get them in liquids where they have just gone through that process if it's a 30 c it's just diluted to that if you have it in the pills. The pills are literally just a carrier so the dilution.
Kind of.
Lisa Strbac
Will just be put onto the pills. So they they they are still made out of water initially, but they they are a vessel just to carry that they're easier to administer in some ways and just carry around. So you know I used to think when I first started out of homeopathy that the pills had something ground up. You know into them like you know thinking allopathically like they had but that it's not they're just that the sugar pills are just the vessel to carry that. Um that original substance. So that's.
Lisa Strbac
Broadly they can come in liquid or they can come in in sugar pills. That's yeah that there's still the same they still carry just the energy of the substance.
Got. Okay, well and I would imagine that these little sugar pills like these these are easy to carry around. So for folks who are watching this on Youtube I'm just gonna open this little guy but like this is so cool I love it. It's like got.
Lisa Strbac
18 little glass vials with little round sugar pills in them and everything is labeled beautifully the names of these things though trip me out right? We've got like ah I don't even I don't even know how to pronounce some of these right like I know Bella Donna whatever but like. And coljula just because of herbalism but like nooks voica that just that sounds like throwing up is that throwing up. Okay.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
That's to know what it is. It's um, it's one of the scene Knox Soka it's made from I'm just trying to think now what? um plu tree treat a particular type of tree not is made from but it is um, one of our top digestive remedies. It's great for hangovers. So it's the number one for hangovers.
Ah, yeah, interesting. Well okay and this one here like our senecom album this sound like for arsenic in it is that what that is.
Lisa Strbac
So it's funny. You've said that sounds like it's for throwing up there? Yeah, ah.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, so made it's It's made from arsenic. So remember so people can get a bit freaked out when they first start looking into homeopathy because I remember my friend um at work when I'm still working my old job I just got into homeopathy I had my kit.
Okay. Yeah.
Lisa Strbac
He had food poisoning and I said take some more seneum and he goes no way like it's made of our snake I was like no, it's just homeopathy. It's the energy of it So you know there are but yes it is made out of our Senecu originally but remember it's been diluted to the point. There's no material dose.
Yeah, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
Totally Yeah, yeah, well and so part of the healing process that I'm going through right now is healing um a lot of strep bacteria that was driven into my body.
Lisa Strbac
Probably from a lot of antibiotic use. So it was interesting when this was diagnosed because that was one of my complaints I talk about like my healing journey all the time and how I started out as a young child with constant throat infection. So I always had tonsilitis I always had strap over and over and over I probably had it 10 times a year and every time I was given.
Lisa Strbac
Antibiotics right? And that's all we knew at the time and it worked I would like you know like I was in so much pain and I would be given this pill and then the pain would go away right? So I begged to go to the doctor to just get the freaking antibiotics because I was a little kid and that's that that's all I know so.
Lisa Strbac
Lisa Strbac
I was kind of surprised when my practitioner does you know his testing and he's like chrisy you are filled with strap like just layers and layers and layers and I'm like how like how like how does it get there and so I'm assuming this is from this.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, and it's interesting. Well, it's interesting. You said that actually as well because Strep is such a huge issue I see it so much you know with Pandas I don't know if you've come across Pandas Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric disorder.
Suppressing of symptoms that you mentioned. So yeah, how does that work.
Lisa Strbac
Associated with strep. It's a type type of um autoimmune Encephalitis that is really um, massive in children now the rates that are growing and strep we see like my my daughter actually had a huge amount of strep.
On on.
Lisa Strbac
Similar reasons that we suppressed a lot of her health issue. She had ear infections and throat infections and we'd give antibiotics and then we'd suppress everything to the point that then she wouldn't be able to produce strong fevers and obviously her health just declined. She ended up getting an autoimmune.
Lisa Strbac
Condition and that's when we saw went to see eventually our homeopath and we had great results of homeopathy and but it is with It's so common that we see this where symptoms are Suppressed. You know antibiotics have their place in certain Situations. You know in life-threatening situations. But for things like ear infections Throat infections. They can be so easily dealt with with homeopathy but people don't know about it. So What do we do? We take that Antibiotics. We take.
Um, and and.
A yeah.
Lisa Strbac
Tylenol or cowpol we suppress the fever the body can't can't complete its cycle that it needs to do. It's got a chronic. It's got it an acute andflammatory cycle that it wants to try and complete instead we suppress it. That's then stored as chronic inflam information. And the cycle deepens then we go on quite often. We'll see people then go on to get asthma or eczema which is then suppressed with steroids then we get autoimmune conditions. It's like just this textbook story almost of what happens and but strep is ah a huge thing right now it's. And you know you can treat it in in the acute stages you can treat it so effectively with homeopathy which is why for me where my work's gone now is more trying to educate people to get homeopathy in the home so that we don't even need homeopaths. Ultimately, you know we can.
Lisa Strbac
Actually get to the point hopefully where everyone's got a homeopathy kit and when they get ear infections or throat infections you know and the number 1 remedy for throat infections is Bella Donna obviously there are others because it's always treating the individual but that's one of the most commonly indicative remedies. And it works like magic you know since I've used it for my children I see how all those antibiotics I gave my oldest daughter she didn't need them I could have treated it with something else. So.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, everyone needs to learn how to use homeopathy get a kit so you don't suppress those symptoms because that's why we've got this chronic health epidemic right now where people we've got so much autoimmune. Um conditions. There's this um, great quote. Actually I think it's by Wilson and Darth it says. Autoimmunity is the price we pay for the eradication of infectious diseases and I think that is so true.
Whoa. Okay, that is yep Oh Okay I Just I I feel that in my bones because literally everyone that I know. Is suffering with something right? and it's being diagnosed as autoimmune or Pcos you know all of these.. It's either hormone issues. It's mostly hormone issues is what I'm Seeing. Um, but weird mystery illnesses right? and you've got your fibromyalgias and you've got you know your adrenal issues and all of these things and I think we're just starting to wake up to this and it makes so much sense because we were all treated the same way as kids.
Lisa Strbac
Right? It's like there's almost like this propaganda out there that like at the first sign of any sort of symptoms or fevers or whatever and I still see this like um, you know I have a family member with a young child and like I see tylenol on the counter all the time right? Tylenol is given for. Every little thing every little toothache complaint. Whatever it is because that's all we know here right in the west. It's like that. Yeah that's that that's all we're taught and it's interesting because that's not the case in a lot of other countries. When I was in Germany for example, like you go into a pharmacy there. Everything's natural like you can't get pharmaceutical stuff which I thought was kind of strange at the time now I think it's really amazing. Um. Where like are there places in the world where homeopathy is more widely used.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, still not as much. It's interesting because when I read I'm obviously based in England you know and when I read certain books on homeopathy particularly ones written by us authors they're like oh hung up these really widely used in Europe and the royal family. How.
Bring it? okay.
Lisa Strbac
Ah, homeopath and and it's not as widely used as you'd think it is so yes, the royal the royal family in the Uk they're primary physicians are homeopaths but they like to not really widely publicize that too much and so in France to my knowledge is.
Lisa Strbac
France is 1 of the places where homeopathy is probably the most widely used you will go into a pharmacy in France and they have homeopathy there alongside their standard allopathic medications and the pharmacist would generally offer you a um yeah homeopathic remedy. But there's um, not many places in in Europe you know places like Spain. It's not really widely available at all in in england you can only really get remedies from homeopathic pharmacies some health food shops sell a few remedies. But I think even though we use it more widely in the yeah uk than say in America um I feel like there are perhaps more remedies available in health food shops from what I've seen and what I've been told so.
Lisa Strbac
It's not as widely used as you people do use it people know about it. But I still think it's not as mainstream you know it's definitely not mainstream yet. But I think it is definite Covid has seemed to have woken people up, you know the amount of interest in alternative.
Yeah, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
Ah, rev I hate the word alternative because it's original but the amount of um, interest now is definitely growing. But I think France is probably the most widely available. Oh well. Yes, yes, actually sorry of course I was thinking more in the west but India yeah.
Yes, yeah, interest inch. What? what about India I thought it was quite popular here. Now.
Lisa Strbac
It's some they have a ministry of homeopathy that's and it's very well integrated in India. So if you were to go and see a doctor generally they they will use homeopathy as well and it's a very different It's phenomenal. The way they prescribe. So a lot of the top Uk homeopaths will have done training in India because they literally see almost hundreds of patients in a day. It's a very different way of treating so they're very quick. You know they get to the remedy really quickly and in the u k we like to m. Take you know the case over for an hour or an hour and a half and do this really lovely long process. Um, so it's very different but yes India Amazing of course um I think I'm just trying to think where else needs I think it is really mainly India but it is something um, where yeah they use it massively. And actually I don't know if you've heard just 1 other place where it was I don't think it is widely used at the moment but a few years ago in Cuba have you heard of um the leptose spirosis study. Ah okay so I'll share this. So basically um.
Ah, no off.
Lisa Strbac
I have to find out what date it was written. It was I think it was early in the early 2000 but um every year in Cuba they have a normally a letto spirrosis outbreak which is a type of disease which is spread in rainy season in water.
Lisa Strbac
And they normally vaccinate for it. But this one particular year I think they couldn't get the vaccinations. There was embargoes and things so you know it's different pharmaceutical industry out there. They couldn't make or manufacture. Whatever the vaccinations so they decided to do a mass. Homeopathic vaccination which we call homeoprophylaxis so they gave a homeopathic remedy preventatively to millions of I think it was over two million people in Cuba received this homeopathic vaccination and the results were phenomenal. They actually.
Lisa Strbac
Better than the normal vaccination and the rates of leterhisppirosis were hugely like that there there it was phenomenal. The success rate and you think Wow you know the world needs to hear about this study.
Making a.
Lisa Strbac
But the doctor did it? Normally you know he? um he was a regular doctor. He wasn't a homeopath but this they just use it because they couldn't get this vaccine this particular year and he couldn't get his study published anywhere other than the homeopathic Journal. So if you look on Pubmed. You will see it published um in the homeopathic Journal all his other other studies published in really prestigious medical journals. But this study no um, he couldn't get it published so you know it's It's almost like they don't want us to know about this pretty much cheap, free. It's highly effective.
Um, of course. Yeah, interesting. Yeah yeah, yeah, okay.
Lisa Strbac
Form of with no side effects completely non-toxic.
Well I mean it sounds exactly like what was happening during the pandemic when there were so many doctors that were successfully treating with things like Evermectin and stuff and I mean we won't even go into the homeopathy because that probably would have been amazing too. But we were seeing all of these miraculous results that were being hidden swept under the rug. Totally discredited people slandered. It is wild and so now what I'm hearing is that in the us and I think they're doing it in Canada too which I wouldn't be surprised because our government is also trying to completely destroy just the natural health product industry here which is.
Lisa Strbac
Horrifying on so many levels. But what what is going on exactly like the Fda is trying to ban homeopathy like completely in the Us.
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, not so I um I spoke about this on a recent podcast actually the Fda regulations so I need to try and remind myself of exactly what they said I don't have the document in front of me. But basically they're trying to say that they are being. Illegally marketed and that all homeopathy is now unapproved so before they used to recognize homeopathy as what it was a separate class of medicines that couldn't go through 4 More Fda approval because that's designed for material substances and homeopathy is energetic and.
Lisa Strbac
You can't put it through the same trials. It's individualized. You know, of course it's non-toxic because there's nothing in it. So it was always acknowledged that it was a separate form of medication and now they've kind of removed that and that they've now stated the Fda have stated that. No homeopathic drugs are now approved. They're all unapproved and as such they're being illegally marketed and that they can at any time basically withdraw certain products if they want to so you know I don't think it's as bad as what we think because. But think there was a lot of fear mongering about this document. Obviously it's not good. You know they they want to. They obviously do they really want us having non-toxic safe drugs that can't be patented that we can pretty much make ourselves at home if push came to shove. Um. But I think what the Fda have said is that they're going to target ones that are of interest. So I think the remedies like perhaps are seneum or Bella Donna which is made from deadly nightshade or the ones that perhaps are made from toxic source materials. They might try and target those first.
Um, evening like.
Lisa Strbac
So if you want to get stock up on remedies. They'd be the ones that you'd want to start trying to get at home because they might not be as readily available.
Um, interesting. It's kind of funny that this is happening to right after what's gone down with the pandemic and people starting to wake up and wanting these things more. Ah what a coincidence So many.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yes, yeah, exactly and actually probably enough talking about the pandemic and India what they were doing. There is um.
Coincidences. Yeah.
Lisa Strbac
The Indian homeopaths the ministry of homeopathy. Actually they get together and they look at what homeo homeopathy remedy um most matches the symptoms of a pandemic. So our Senecu was the remedy that they actually use prophylactically for covid.
On the land.
Lisa Strbac
When symptoms changed they did change the remedy later so genium and broronia were 2 big ones that matched covid symptoms but to begin with our seneum and if you look at the energy of our seneca I think it's amazing. It's fear of death fear of germs. It can be quite Ocd like and fastidiousness with this hand washing. It's one of our top remedies for flu and diarrheea and vomiting and it can be chill chilly um nausea restlessness weakness. So it really sums up to me the energy of covid.
You yes.
Lisa Strbac
As ah as a hot as a whole and that was funnily enough the remedy that ah matched most most of the the symptoms and was used in some cases. Prophylatically.
Interesting So use to prevent infection. That's cool. Um I'm just trying to think about where I want to go next because I have a lot of questions but I kind of want it to flow a little bit. Um.
Lisa Strbac
Um, and.
Lisa Strbac
Um, sit.
Oh 1 thing that I wanted to mention so we were talking about like cures like and then I had mentioned the strap that was discovered in my system. Um that when when I looked into the remedy. So the way my practitioner prescribes. He's just like.
Lisa Strbac
Um, anyone.
Here's a tincture. It has like a few different things in it and it says the names on it but like he doesn't really explain it to me. He's and and I want to know right? like that's just the type of person that I am so I'm trying to look it up and whatever and one of them like 2 of them had the word strep on them so is like okay so I'm assuming there's strep in here. Okay, that makes sense I think we're working on. this part this month because there was a few different systems that we wanted to to work on. Um, but yeah, that's that that's fascinating and I think kind of weird maybe for people initially to think like okay so I'm going to take strap to cure the strap that's in my body and also like that.
Lisa Strbac
Amazing quote that that that you said earlier too. Um, yeah, it's like this whole paradigm shift that we need to go through where I think the new understanding is now that what we need to realize is these like all of the suppression that we've done with the way that we have treated ourselves. For illness in the past fifty sixty years whatever it is is exactly what is creating all of these mystery illnesses like for me my my symptoms for the past little while have been. You know, um, swelling in my legs because of kidney stuff and hyperaldosteroneism. So my adrenals were producing way too much alldosterone which created kidney issues which created high blood pressure anddeda and like.
Lisa Strbac
These are really weird friggin things for someone in their twenty s and thirty s to to have like that and I've always been like well what is the root cause like there has like my body just doesn't like a body just doesn't break like that right like all of these you know Western medicine.
Lisa Strbac
Diagnoses of oh well, you know it just runs in your family or these excuses of like well you're just broken and that's the way it is. That's what I've been told for years for multiple different things that just doesn't cut it and to me that was.
Lisa Strbac
Ever enough and so to be able to actually go through testing and find these root causes like oh yeah, no, you actually have like a ton of strep in your body and you do have a parasite and you do have some like weird gut stuff going on was just. Such relief and then now using Energy Medicine to treat it like it's just it's such a huge paradigm shift but it's just it's so so important to get this information out to people. It's yeah, it's time.
Lisa Strbac
It is and Strep is an amazing remedy in its own right? So What your you can use strep as ah as a homeopathic remedy to to um, kind of clear that toxin or that bacteria that's in you. But it's also a massive remedy in its own right? It has an energetic profile behind it even something like Strep. So the homeopaths they do this thing which is called approving which is where we take the remedy when we're healthy to see what symptoms it produces remember when I said Harneman took.
On it. Yeah.
Lisa Strbac
Peruvian bark to see what symptoms he would get so this is how homeopaths find out sort of the the bigger picture of these. What is the energetic nature of these remedies and strep I tell you now that is one of the remedies we are going to be using. So so much going forward. Not just for people that have. Strep or have been tested but just where the energy profile fits and I did do a post actually recently on Instagram just about strep the stretocokinum which is the remedy because it has such a big profile but it often has um, it's really good for people with chronic ocd as well.
Um, and.
Lisa Strbac
And ah, where there's been a history of tomsilitis and it's gone deeper or lots of suppression. Um, it has things where they feel better for motion or it' ah um, um, it's a major remedy I think it's a really really.
And 8
Lisa Strbac
Brilliant remedy. We're going to be seeing lots of so be interesting to see how how you do on that.
Ah god I'm so excited I'm so excited. Ah, well let's chat quickly about Herc's reactions okay because this is definitely what I've been experiencing so every time I start a new remedy for the first two weeks I'm like on my ass.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yes.
Um, I think the first month it was interesting like I was I was just feeling the first month I think we were kind of opening up systems right? and just trying to like chill out my organs that were all very inflamed and so I would like literally just like feel I could feel my thyroid or I would get um you know, enlarged.
Lisa Strbac
Glands in my armpits that were like painful. Um you know with the second remedy it must have been working on my kidneys or something like my lower back would just kill like it hurts so bad. A lot of my inflammation system symptoms got really bad I would be exhaust so like I've just I've been feeling like shit for the past few months going through this healing process. But you know I was told like this is normal. Ah so yeah, let's maybe talk about that a little bit and what people can expect and why that happens.
Lisa Strbac
Lisa Strbac
Yeah, definitely so it doesn't happen. Always so you know it depends what toxic loads you've got how much suppression there's been so some people take a remedy ah they go and see a homeopath. They get well much remedy and they just get better. But sometimes.
Lisa Strbac
Stuff has to come out as well and this was documented. It's called herring's law of cure. So herring was a hoeopath a very very like well-known homeopathy was the father of Us homeopathy and he was a medical doctor an allopath. And he was sent to write a hit piece on homeopathy but homeopathy actually saved his finger from being amputated. Um, it was our seneum that he took actually for that as well and he became completely like brought into it. He was he fell in love with homeopathy.
I'm make worse.
Lisa Strbac
And he became one of the best homeopaths there is and he documented this thing called the law of cure and so he saw that when real healing takes place. There are a few things that can happen. So one of the first thing of this law is from inside out so anything that's been suppressed. Often come out so any discharges they can be mucus or vomiting any elimination they can be words as well. You know sometimes if we've suppressed emotions when we take a remedy we want to get that out so stuff can come out and even dreams the amount of people. When they start taking remedies. They get more vivid dreams or they start dreaming again and that's again, an emotional kind of detox so stuff comes out and that can be really hard to deal with when you're used to allopathic medicine because we've been trained and programmed we see us ah to.
Yes, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
What do we do? We suppress it and then we take homeopathy and it's like stuff starts coming out and we want to kind of stop it. That's normally the reaction of like we've just got to stop it because that's what we're programmed so stuff coming out is really good. And it can be really difficult I've been there like when I've had homeopathy had Ex-ma that's flared up hugely. You know my daughters have rashes and eliminations and you just want to stop it but you have to kind of just let it Out. It's a good thing and when you realize that and it's temporary and you feel better after.
Lisa Strbac
Um, the other law of cure is reverse order or return of old symptoms. So things that have been incompletely cured in the past or things that have been suppressed. Might come back again. So let's taking an example say someone had a history of. Loads of ear or throat infections and they were suppressed with antibiotics when they start to heal with home. So ah, sorry and then say they went on to get asthma and they used inhalers and steroids for their asthma when they first start being treated with homeopathy. They might find that they're asthma. Gets better initially because that was the most recent thing but they may then find that they're exma or um, sorry ear infections or they might get some sore throats that returns temporarily again, it's the um reverse order. So. That can happen or we might get a return of old symptoms as well which is related so when you start to heal things might return, you might get sore throats again. It's almost like your body's reliving what it didn't quite fully have chance to clear last time because it was suppressed.
Lisa Strbac
And it's temporary and again you feel better afterwards and it's always temporary. So I found that when I was having homeeopathy I'd had Eczema in the past my exma got a lot lot worse before it got better. Um, and then the other what we done So we've done. Inside Out. We've done reverse order. Um, oh the most important organs the least important Organs That's the other law. So If say you have a lot of anxiety or depression or mental health Issues. You will find that when you start using seeing a homeopath This is like for deep constitutional chronic treatment so you'll work with the homeopath. You'll find that the body knows how to prioritize. It will always prioritize the most important Organs First. So you might find that you start to feel.
Um, and.
Lisa Strbac
Better emotionally or you get some more energy or you feel Happier. You feel more your depression goes but you might find you get more physical symptoms. So or not even more but you might find that the physical symptoms you actually went to see the homeopath about. So Maybe you went because you've got digestive issues. Actually they're the last to go because the body saying do you know what? I can kind of deal with those digestive issues I want to feel better mentally and emotionally and spiritually before I deal with those um ibs issues or whatever you've gone about so that um is. Another important thing that can happen and then finally from top to bottom so things would general or to extremity. So We'll often feel better in the middle and things will go to our hands or feet or if we've got rashes they'll work our way down our body.
Lisa Strbac
Um, so again, these are things that you just wouldn't notice if you were just thinking allopathically but when you start to really pay attention and listen to your body's symptoms. You'll start to realize that this healing takes place so Hercs which we often call. Um.
Um, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
Herc's reactions they can kind of be. They could be a return of old symptoms or they could be ah, an elimination of from within to without so with homeopathy we kind of look even more detail. What's going on. Is it a return of old symptoms. This.
Lisa Strbac
Unpleasant reaction or actually is it just elimination. But it's all showing that healing's taking place at a really deep level.
Thank you for that because yeah I mean there's I'm feeling a little bit of frustration on this journey because I'm about three or four months in and I know that it doesn't happen overnight but I'm just like oh you know it's like I'm I'm getting these flare ups.
Lisa Strbac
But I'm not I'm not cured yet for sure. But I feel I feel like things are shifting but it's a slow process with allopathic. It's like you know you can get rid of your symptom right away and that's what we're used to and that's kind of what we expect. So for me I'm just.
Lisa Strbac
I'm learning to be patient during this process. Um, but I have had such dramatic things happen that I'm like I know something is happening. So for example, when I was getting a lot of that back pain.
Lisa Strbac
And I think this is important for people to understand too is like a lot of times with our you know, physical symptoms and things. There's also emotional stuff underlying that as well.
Lisa Strbac
I wake up one morning and like my back's just killing me and I'm exhausted and you know I know something's being kicked up with the remedies. But I'm like okay I can't deal with this today I need to go do something so um, oftentimes when I'm feeling really gnarly I like to reach for kundalini. Um, yoga just to kind of like start moving some stuff around so I was like okay I went on Youtube and I look for some stuff to like help clear out kidneys because that's what I assumed it was so I go to sit down and I'm starting to do these movements so I'm just kind of moving back and forth and I'm pushing my thumbs into my kidneys and I did it maybe like. 2 times and I just started sobbing and I was like oh okay, some stuff needed to come out there and just and just allowing that right? like just letting those emotions to come out and then I have a girlfriend who is.
Lisa Strbac
Um, grew up with.
On this process with me as well. She has been suffering with a ton of chronic things and so she's been seeing the same health care provider. He found a ton of parasites in her and so she's getting really crazy. You know detox symptoms she woke up. Was it last week or the week before it just covered in hives just totally covered in hives and she's like oh my god like I feel so awful I don't know what to do I'm gonna you know, take some antihistamines and I thought okay no cause I've been hearing about like the suppression thing I was like maybe don't like just give it a little bit. Don't. Suppress it just let it do its thing so she did that and in a few hours she was feeling much better and she was like oh thank you so much for suggesting that it you know because that's our first reaction. It's like oh I feel really uncomfortable and I need to make that feeling go away and we're so.
Lisa Strbac
Our our western culture is so much programmed towards can't feel pain. Can't deal with suffering can't um yeah, just just hide all those things anything that's uncomfortable like we don't want to deal with anything that's uncomfortable.
Lisa Strbac
But the healing process is that it's facing those things right? Whether it be emotional or like dredging up all of this old stuff that is how we heal. It's not. It's not. It's not often a walk in the park. Unfortunately.
Lisa Strbac
It's really not and I do say that quite a lot on my Instagram I share posts about you know to really heal. We have to feel and actually to the allopath true healing can look quite brutal I think sometimes stuff has to come out you know and it's not.
Lisa Strbac
It's not pleasant at the time but God it's worth it. You know how you feel after the the true true healing and the emotional connection. It's nearly in my view most disease is nearly always has an emotional root behind it.
Lisa Strbac
And I think it ties in a lot of um, homeopathy with German German New Medicine which talks about the conflict creating symptoms and I think with homeopathy we recognise that with remedies they've got we look at what could have caused that issue. And a lot of these homeopathy remedies. They have an emotion behind what may have triggered that person into that health Issue. So and that has to come out if we suppress that we have to find ways to release.
Are the.
Lisa Strbac
That and to it and to address it to get that really ah long-lasting healing.
Totally well. Okay, let's talk about then about how people can start treating themselves at home. How how to get into homeopathy what some of these remedies do um and also. I've heard that the remedies can be used for like your pets plants babies children. All of these things So like how do we get started. How do we diagnose right? like because I imagine like the diagnosis that I was like the process that I went through was through like.
Lisa Strbac
Using a bio resonance machine right? like I don't think at home. We're able to really you know I don't know if there's anything that we can do to diagnose ourselves to that degree at home. But yeah, what would be the process to get started.
Lisa Strbac
Okay, great questions. There's a few different things I just want to pick up on before I talk about how to start a home. So for real chronic health issues where you've had them for a long time. You should always work with a homeopath because there are thousands of remedies that you to choose from.
Okay, so.
Lisa Strbac
And it takes a lot of skill to know the remedies and to take the case to really like when you see a homeopath it will to be generally one and a half hours for the initial appointment 4 case history taken and then a lot of analysis afterwards to try and find a remedy to match that and.
Lisa Strbac
We can often think oh I feel like that remedy might help but actually if we get there's so many layers you know if we think we've got the right match remedy. But it's actually a deep layer. We could get some really uncomfortable aggravations and we just want to make the process as comfortable as possible. Um. There are loads of places where you can get really low-cost homeopathy and you know colleges do low-cost clinics so there is a way to actually find homeopathy. You know if you I know it's. Moneyies can be difficult for a lot of people. So if you can't afford to work for a homepath. There are ways if you get in touch with homelipathy colleges. So I just want to say that that's the first thing for chronic. Don't try and self-treat for acute issues or short term issues and if we treat those.
Um e.
Lisa Strbac
We can avoid ever getting these chronic issues in the first place because most health issues are a shock a trauma an accident or something that's been suppressed that then's developed into a chronic health issue. So this is why we want to get using homeopathy before we have these chronic issues.
In death.
Lisa Strbac
So for acute self- limitmiting. The first thing I would say is just go buy some basic remedies or a kit if you can you know these remedies they're pounds and dollars you know you can get them for less than in pounds like what exchange rate is about £5 you know there's.
You can.
They are.
Lisa Strbac
Really they're really cheap so you can just start buying a few. Um and I talk about you know, just which are the top remedies to start with the homeopathy kits you can get if you can afford one. They're amazing. So do just get it in the home. There's a lot of free information out there where you can start learning how to use it follow some of the Instagram accounts people are sharing free advice. You can get books that cost you know 10 £15 which give you everything like to get started. Um, there are courses. Ah, but you don't need to do that I run a course which. Teaches everything that you so need to know to get going but you don't need to do that. You can just start by getting a few remedies and and a book and then what you you don't need the beauty of homeopathy even for chronic health issues and some homeopaths.
Lisa Strbac
Um, will use other methods as well like bioresonance which it sounds like what you're doing but classical homeopaths. They don't care about the label or the diagnosis and they won't do any tests they will literally prescribe a remedy based on you and your symptoms. So when we're doing acutely.
And. Yeah.
Lisa Strbac
It's similar. We don't doesn't matter what the the name of the ailments are we are literally trying to find a remedy to match our symptoms now this is where there's a little bit of skill involved and where we have to practice and ideally if we can go on. Youtube and follow home your paths or buy a book. It teaches us how to do this but we want to look when we have a health issue say we've got a sore throat. We want to know what are those. Top 3 or 5 really unusual, unique specific symptoms to use. So what mood are you in when you've got that sore throat has your mood changed is it on the left side or the right side. What kind of pain is it is it stinging is it throbbing. Does it feel better for liquids or worse for liquids. Do I want hot drinks. Do I want cold drinks do I feel better in a dark room. Actually do I want some sympathy or am I no just leave me the hell alone we want to look at exactly how that person is when they're in that state.
Any any.
Lisa Strbac
And then we want to just try and find them remedy that matches those symptoms so this is where people can sometimes say oh well I tried homeoppathy and it didn't work but that's because maybe you've got the wrong remedy and sometimes we need to just try more than 1 remedy. Maybe we haven't got the most. Well. Matched remedy because there could always be at least 5 to 10 different remedies and it's just practice so the more you use it the more you'll get familiar with and you'll start to know when I get ill I tend to go into her pulsit tilla like state when my youngest daughter gets ill she's more belladonna. My other daughters this you know we kind of have these states we go into but it's only by practice and own and you can't do any harm by taking the remedies because it's energy in an acute situation if it's not the right remedy it just doesn't do anything if it's the right remedy it stimulates self-healing.
Lisa Strbac
So it's um, it's just practicing. That's um, that's all I can say is just keep on I've just pulled my light out here. So I'm going to just shove that back in. Um, it's just practicing and to keep to keep trying. Um so you can't do any harm with homeopathy and ideally you want 1 remedy at a time.
It hit.
Lisa Strbac
Because I think these remedies are a bit like their energy imagine them to be like music or songs your body wants you um to hear what you're putting in if you take lots of remedies at the same time your body can't always hear them now you can get some pre-made mixes where you know it's like a mix.
Lisa Strbac
With these Rem like Abc I talk about a lot which is a mixture of Aconite Bella Donna and camailla it work. They work really well together so they almost act in harmony so they almost like create a new song but generally you want to try 1 remedy at a time unless it's ah a pre-made. Mixed by a homeopathic pharmacy and you can use it on babies. You can use it on newborns you can use it during pregnancy. Yes, you can even I give it to my plants when they're looking a bit dead. Well I'll get to home the pets as well is like there's literally I mean homey.
That's so cool.
Lisa Strbac
Home you use in Agriculture is is the gonna be I tell you the bit and the big there.
Ah, oh wow, That's so cool. Okay, what? But what do you give your plants like what do you personally give your plants.
Lisa Strbac
Well I actually I actually gave my plants Anica the other day which is that the number one. Yeah, the tumor and because they all look half dead and I always like to know what.
Ah I love that oh my god yeah and I mean for anybody who's like what's Arnica Arnica is a beautiful, um botanical that's used for acute stuff like bruising skin like any sort of irritations that sort of thing. So yeah that that makes sense.
So but and for pets though it's like they can't talk to us right? So like how do we know how to like just kind of watching what they're doing if they're looking lethargic I mean they could be vomiting that sort of thing.
Lisa Strbac
You exactly? That's the other thing and you know you because if you might think Well, how do I treat you know a child that's nonverbal or a baby or a pet. Um, you're observing so with homeopathy we always want to look at.
Lisa Strbac
What makes the person feel better or worse so we can observe you know are they lying down. Do they look better when they are are they seeking out quiet. Do they want to rest are they trying to get out the sunlight. No, we can observe these things and what's their thirst like what's their mood like these are observed.
And in what.
Lisa Strbac
Observable things as well. If they can't describe it hurts or um, so my dog had an really revolting ear infection while back and it just come on out of nowhere but it was really thick and gunky and I thought okay well the usual ones like Aconite belladonna.
Lisa Strbac
And Cameamilla which are like for early stage information probably aren't going to work because this is really gross and loads of yuckie dishard. So I gave her mercury and um heparol which are 2 remedies really good for.
Lisa Strbac
Sort of ah congested gunky second stage inflammation and it just went overnight. Um, so it's amazing. But with homeopathy in the yeah uk. We're not allowed to treat animals only vets are allowed to treat animals and they recently changed the legislation. To say that vets are only allowed to use homeopathy as a second line they have to try conventional allopathic drugs first before they're allowed to prescribe homeopathy. But there's no reason you can't use it at home for your pet.
Um, okay, interesting. Okay, well this is amazing. I highly recommend. So like this little kit that I got there's 18 remedies in it. I think it was like I got it off of Amazon I think it was like seventy bucks or something and I mean there's tons of stuff in here like I don't know how many little pills are in each one of these vowels but like there's quite a bit and I can imagine. You can also make these go a little bit further too just by like.
Lisa Strbac
Yes, you can definitely so you can and I and again I so I share that on my Instagram page and these little tips like this so put if you think you're going to be needing say you know it's needing to repeat the remedy say you've got a headache and you're not sure if one dose is going to be enough you feel or you've got a.
Diluting them in water or something couldn't you.
Lisa Strbac
Throat infection or whatever you just feel like you may need to repeat more regularly put one dough one pill in a bottle of water give it a shake and then one sip of that bottle is the equivalent to taking one pill and that bottle of water will last you a couple of days. So then you.
Ah, yeah.
Lisa Strbac
You've basically yeah stretched that remedy to last much longer.
Wow. Okay, such a paradigm shift I know got it like anybody's listening to this and is just learning about homeopathy for the first time I know it sounds strange but like literally this this stuff works and so I think it's very very well worth. Looking into and just starting to practice it and I love the idea too of just like you know learning to become more in tune with your body and be more observant and listen to your intuition through this process as well. That's something that we've kind of been conditioned to unlearn.
Lisa Strbac
Um, yeah.
All right is like kind of our health and our symptoms and all of these things over to somebody else's godlike figure who tells us what to do and then we need to listen to them. It's like no, we need to have some sovereignty around our health and take back control of our. Lives in a lot of different ways right now and I feel like we're really starting to understand this and go through this process now when it comes to to health and so this is a really really great way and a great tool to get started at home. Yeah.
Lisa Strbac
Totally I couldn't agree I couldn't agree more every single word you said completely agree.
Yeah, awesome. Well we're at time now. Thank you so much. Lisa this was such a fascinating conversation I needed this I mean the world needs this. So. Thank you so much for the work you're doing. Um, how can people get in touch with you and learn more about your courses and follow you on Instagram and all the things will include the links but I just wanted you to.
Lisa Strbac
Ah, thank you It's I think the best thing follow me on Instagram because I've got loads of information on there which you can go and yeah have a look There's there's tons of stuff there. There's um, a free dosing guide as well. Which is the links in my bio because I think that's. Quite often where people struggle the most when they get into homeopathy is like how do I dose this because it's such a shift and less is more and we're used to wanting instructions. So ah, grab that and there's my website as well. But you can access everything via my um link on Instagram so that's probably the best place to connect.
Perfect Yay! Okay, well we're gonna include all of that stuff in the show note notes I'm gonna include a link to this kit as well. And yeah, awesome. Thank you, Thank you so much and I hope everybody listening.
Lisa Strbac
And just go from there.
Lisa Strbac
Oh thank you so much for having me and thank you for spreading the word of homeopathy because yeah, the world needs it more than ever. So it's just fantastic that it's getting out there.
You know, got some great tips today.
Absolutely agreed. Thanks everyone for listening. We'll catch you on the next episode.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe