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Welcome Magda to the wild remedies podcast. Oh my god it is so good to see your face again. How are you.
Magda Kay
Hey love I am good I'll be honest, the last two weeks was actually really intense. A lot of purification. But today I'm good.
Ah, you've been going through it with a little bit of Mercury retrograde happening. Hey.
Magda Kay
Yeah I think was it you who told me that that's what was happening so I happily will blame everything on mercury but yes, no serious was like two or three weeks a lot of things happening just pushing me but I feel like I'm coming out of it.
Good good. You're comfortable now you have working internet good. That's awesome. Oh my gosh. Well I mean the last time I saw you was what is it like eight years ago now when we used to work at Mine Valley
Magda Kay
Yes, she was.
Magda Kay
And if the app.
Yeah, oh my gosh. It's been so long and like we went to India together remember that.
Magda Kay
Um, and we do yes away right? It was a wedding in my sore. Ah.
Ah, yeah, it was a wedding. Yes, well I think the wedding was in Bangalore and we ended up going to Mysore which was really cool and I remember we were kind of disappointed by the wedding like the people were really nice and everything but we were like oh my god we're so excited. We're going to see like this. Amazing indian wedding because they're supposed to be so vibrant and whatever and I guess we were in the part of India where they don't do like the fancy weddings and we were like oh.
Magda Kay
Yeah, excuse. It's ah so I gave up on it already. But I think I've been to like four Indian weddings and none of them met my expectations that were set very high by all the bollywood movies.
But did you not go to ah udjits, um, wedding the person.
Magda Kay
Yeah, but is it so he they did have oh my God a horse or an elephant I don't remember now but big. He Indian his wife at a time was Italian so it was like half Indian so not like I'm saying nothing you know I'm expecting some bollywood celebrities. You know to.
Yes, a parent is an elephant. Um, yeah.
Magda Kay
Come and sing and everything and that has not happened yet.
Um, well maybe one day we will get to experience one of those weddings I don't I've heard like amazing stories. Um are our neighbors when we lived in Malaysia upstairs. Um, they were well. They're an indian couple and they go to like the most fabulous weddings and I'm hearing about these stories of like these million dollar weddings in India and just like everybody gets like a private makeup artist and stuff and I'm like what it's crazy. Yeah.
Magda Kay
I Don't know I didn't meet people who had that type of a wedding. It's just that they get married before I knew them. So yeah, that's as close as I got.
Ah, one day one day we will get to experience this. Hopefully we'll get to meet up again and go travel to India and go to a wedding that'll be so great. Ah well I mean I've been following you from afar.
Magda Kay
You know it's been eight years I feel very connected to you. Our birthdays are on the same day so we have so much like same same going on and it's great like you've you've stayed in Asia for for most of the time.
Magda Kay
Magda Kay
Yeah, it's ah it's really interesting. Um I think it's gonna be like a decade so we met in Malaysia working for mind Valley then I went to actually move to Bali then I moved to tallin now I'm back in Bali. So yeah.
Magda Kay
It's it's really crazy if I think of this huh we're having I don't know if you guys gonna hear it. It's some weird ah local crickets. This is the beauty of body wait for when we when we hear ah chickens this is when you know we're in Bali.
Oh that's.
Ah I got I remember I think it was one of the first couple of weeks that I was living in Malaysia and I got sick right away I got a fever and I'm working from home on my laptop and I look up and I see like 2 geckos remember how they used to be like really loud.
Magda Kay
Um, oh yeah.
They would like yeah they have like like they make this crazy noise anyway. So there's 2 geckos on my wall and they start like fighting and I'm like okay is this actually happening or am I hallucinating from this fever like what is going on right now.
Magda Kay
Um, ah, big last year was it like now two years ago when I moved back to Bali right? and I see there's this little things like moving literally like in the wall and I'm like there is a scorpion in my wall. No one believed me because they's like what. You know I'm like no I'm telling you. It's a scorpion a week after that was Saturday day of kli and I find literally in the place where I saw disability thing things moving I found a skip so I actually didn't know that ah scorpions like lose the skin the way spiders do. But yeah, it was like ah it was a very small 1 but yeah, a was like an actual skin you know from a scorpion. So I'm like here you have approved that yes it is a scorpion and guess what it's doing fine and it's growing.
Um, and it's living somewhere in my house. Ah.
Magda Kay
Stuck in my bedroom the same day I found them a snake skin also in my in my room I'm like this is too much and oh my God By the way that is like it's like a crazy story. So um, we were working with the like Ballinenese healer.
Ah, yeah.
Magda Kay
And big I told her all of the stories about the animals and she said oh we need to like protect your House. You're being attacked by Black Magic So We had to do special ceremonies and my ceremony included sacrificing a chicken. Yeah I was like okay I just yet. Body it can. It's interesting, but it's also weird. Yes.
Ah, oh my gosh I swear we've had so many a me? Well okay, yeah, there's a lot of weird stuff that goes on but like these are experiences that you can look back on and be like I have lived a very full life. You know like I have seen a lot of shit like you know I haven't been in Asia for the past ten years I was only there for like two and a half but like.
Magda Kay
If I died tomorrow I'd be like cool I've done a lot of things like I've seen a lot of shit I'm good very full life so far.
Magda Kay
No, that's for sure that's for sure and I think Asia Bali they're so colorful. Um like India is so colorful. It's absolutely crazy and doesn't make sense. But I think that's what makes so special.
You were.
Yes. Ah, yeah I do I miss I miss some of that. But yeah and now here we are ten years later and you are a tantra expert I don't like when did you. Get into this were you already doing this when I knew you back in the mind valley days or was this something that you started doing a little bit later.
Magda Kay
Is actually really funny because when I got to mind value like I don't know what like what it was for you. But you know mind Valley Many people know it of course now at that time it was just like 60 people you know total startup and I got to mind value and I didn't actually know what they were doing you know coming from like a. Western Very logical life and so I land in mind Valley and then I see all of these programs and all I'm thinking is what is this.
You weren't into personal development at all.
Magda Kay
Ah, no, no, no because there's some misunderstanding I thought that personal growth meant like soft scales which I was always into and I I get there and people tell me like oh we have such nice energy and I'm like what the fuck is this place I was like.
Ah, oh my God They were all about like the silver method and shit back then that's so funny. But.
Magda Kay
Oh my God I was yeah, seriously um but I had to go through the courses that we were selling because that was my job to sell them so I was like slowly opening up for this and then um.
Magda Kay
I think you know what Kualal Lumpur if you remember something that I find extremely I'm very very grateful for is that actually Kuala Lumpur had a lot of like um studios and healers and and like possibilities to learn like working with energy. So I did like workshops.
Magda Kay
Ah, uveic workshops. Um chakra heing um crystal heening theta heening and all of these things I actually got to do them in kalumur. Um, so I learned a lot of these things already you know from mind value was one one thing then all of these people in person in Kalluur and for me like it. Happened um, when my relationship ended and one of the kind of main reasons was because I wasn't having orgasm and of course I was like trying to like just never talk about it. Maybe no one will notice an issue right? but like it was an issue and I think that specifically. Like awaken enemy me interest in going into tantra and sacred sexuality and sexual heating. But again, we're talking like ten years ago like now if you go on Instagram and you put tamtra you're gonna find so much but ten years ago no one was even using Instagram and Tamtra was not available online. So it was like setting an intention and then just slowly getting more into this world because again I couldn't really learn anything online. So I heard about this tantra yoga school in India so I did my teacher training there I actually didn't like the school I thought it was really bad. Then I learned about Agama I already heard about Agama like some bad gossip. How horrible. This place is and then eventually ended up doing some energy work in Bali and then moving to Agama in Thailand so when we knew each other I wasn't really yet into that I was like being.
Um, in.
Magda Kay
Er and exposed slowly but it was only like maybe 3 years after that I fully stepped into into this work.
Okay, fascinating. So I'm curious because I know there's a lot of information out there about tantra and like most people think about it a certain way. What what is tantra and what is it not.
Magda Kay
So you know what I think um, there is such a thing as traditional tantra which is a spiritual path and if you really want to go into details it. It was basically like you can.
Magda Kay
Think of it like it's yoga. It's a sister of Yoga. So Yoga was a system was actually very um, it was only for men people of certain classes. Um vegetarian etc and so tantra in a way was um. Created in response to that So tantra was for everyone. It was also for women it was for all the classes Also people of darker skin. Um, you have ceremonies that include meat eating meat and alcohol and there is sex so all of like the taboo things that didn't make it into yoga.
Magda Kay
Um, have their place in tantra but actually in practices. It's it's quite similar. Um, but you can just think of it as a spiritual practice. Um, it's not an ascetic practice so it involves the physical body working with the body and the energy. But of course today when we think of tantra most of us think of sex. And in fact, it's like we equate conscious sexuality with Tamtra which is not the same so because tantra is a spiritual practice. It has a lot of techniques you know like breath practices and working with your chakra. So what we have today. It's what we call sacred sexuality so it kind of. Blends conscioustra sexuality and being open sexually with these techniques like yogic techniques and just kind of created this mix that we have these days so a lot of people like to call it neo tetra um or modern tantra and I think.
Magda Kay
And I think this is kind of what most of us see these days. It's like you know if I meditate in silence or repeat a mantra for 1 hour this is me doing tantra but probably that's not the type of tatra that most people are interested in so practically speaking and also the tantra that I teach. Um.
Magda Kay
It's a combination of like intimate life conscious sexuality with different energy practices.
Okay, yeah, so I mean there's There's so much there to explore right? And what? what? what do people generally come to you for when they want to learn more about this.
Magda Kay
Oh yes.
Magda Kay
So I'll start by saying that I try not to overuse the word tentra just because um I think of that strong connotation with sexuality and like oh my goodness even recently um I was posting something on Instagram and I went to the. By the way in english you say gf Gif because because we we say Gif in polish.
Okay I have like a whole thing about this when I was in design school and we were learning like web design and stuff my teacher was like it's gif like. Jiffy the peanut butter and I'm like okay, cool. So I've always said Jeff and I've like literally gotten to fights with people about this because everybody here wants to say Gif so I don't know like I say Jeff and then some people are like you're crazy. But that's how I learned but.
Magda Kay
Magda Kay
So that's to Gifs so I go on instagraming toji and I put tamtra right? and I'm seeing let's see what they have and basic all I got was like these ah some some like little icons of women doing Pollle dancing other was like um.
Magda Kay
Um, Playboy playmates and I'm like really this is when I type tantra in Instagram that's what I'm gonna get so I think there's still like this you know strong connotation. We have erotic workers like like you know sex workers doing erotting massages and now they promote it as a tantric massage. So. I just they didn't really want to I don't want to deal with this so much so I didn't use the word tantra as much so that also allows me to filter people. Um and like I actually have people who come to me with reallyy deep challenges. So you know I would have um.
Um, yeah.
Magda Kay
I actually work a lot with men which I love because I think for a man to really open up and open up to a woman. It's like it takes a lot but they come you know if they feel that they're blocked that they're not open emotionally that they want to be able to be more intimate like feel more in their body be more considered Lovers. So that's. Me Amazing! Um I do work a lot with couples as well. Um, and usually you know it's that moment when things are not working well anymore and I'm sure we've all been there right? It's like you meet someone. They're Amazing. You just want to have sex all the time and then like things start breaking and it's you know and. We just kind of hope that they're gonna naturally like fix themselves and then you get on when you're realizing. Okay, we got to do something or we're gonna lose the relationship So in this moment. A lot of couples come to me where it's you know kids were born and like they're just kind of lost something um or like there was an issue that no one.
Um, any.
Magda Kay
You know mention for like 2 years Not ah no, suddenly it comes up. So um, yeah I to be honest, I'm really grateful for the type of clients that I get because these are people who have self-awareness um, and it's not just like oh I want to have like more orgasm but like really about. Better in the cell themselves as humans.
I Love that and then there's I mean there's got to be an aspect of communication in there too, right? because generally when we see people you know, naturally come out of the honeymoon phase communication is usually what's what's lacking I mean there's a lot of things that can kind of you know. Make things devolve a little bit but communication is incredibly important.
Magda Kay
Yeah I mean of course if we look at communication like there are tools but there is a reason why we don't communicate right? It's like if if I not used to that. It's safe for me to express my boundary and ask for my needs that it doesn't matter if I have the best tools I'm still not gonna do it.
Magda Kay
So the reason why we don't communicate comes down to all our inner work and our you know shadows and our fears. Um, so yeah, it's like if I think of myself and I think this is like 1 of the main patterns. Especially for women. It's like we're literally so deeply conditioned not to. Create a mess not to shake things up right? We were meant to just be obey and be nice and be sub and make things pretty right? It's like you always hear that the feminine makes things pretty so if you're angry and instead of making something pretty You're gonna make a mess you're like condition. Don't do this or you're gonna be alone. So it's especially women really struggle to say something and you know we're afraid we're afraid oh my god if I say something he doesn't like he can leave me um and and for you know it's a bigger story but like most of us we're not raised by the most conscious fathers. So we have.
And me.
Magda Kay
Literally seen right men leave when a woman starts asking for something that she has all the right to ask for? So yeah, it's actually with the with the communication. It's like literally most of the work I would say comes down to that. But it's more than communication right? It's like hitting our inner child there ah wounds.
Um, like yeah.
Magda Kay
Just watching why am I so terrified of saying something and then like communication follows. Naturally.
Um, okay, and so like say for women is this something that they can work with you 1 on one with or is this something that needs to happen with with a partner.
Magda Kay
Um I think both if someone has a partner then of course practice with them but just practice with anyone. Um I think like because you know what are your single in a relationship like you can practice this everywhere.
And I will.
Magda Kay
But I find that and also just personally that it's really the little situations where we learn to speak up right? It's like um, let's say someone is offering you like even let's say you know the 2 of us right? like hey let's do the? Um Let's do the podcast together. Awesome if you don't want to do it right. This is your chance to practice to be able to say hey listen thank you so much for the offer. It sounds amazing at this time I have a lot of things going on. So I just don't have space to dedicate to this right? So like every situation is an opportunity for us to be like first. Okay, let me go within to check what I actually want. Right? Like know myself first and be okay now let's indicate it because sometimes you know bringing things up with the partner who if we think of it is like the most important person in your life right? like when you're in a relationship that is usually your number one person. So of course the stakes are very different.
Magda Kay
If you upset them and they will Leave. You're like gonna be terrified. Your subconscious is Terrified. So of course practice on strangers practice on like your friends or your family and then it's like it's a skill so it's not a relationship skill.. It's a skill right? that just present everywhere. Um, so my. My way would be start with small things and for some people you may have already all to need the tools and understanding to do it on your own if it's a new thing that yeah you want to probably work with a coach or do some program that you know will give you some of those tools and will make you more aware but like start with small things that don't feel as scary. And then this builds confidence like hey I actually can prioritize myself I can stand up for myself and then like gives the extra energy to then like face bigger conversations.
Okay, so I feel like intimacy is kind of a big theme that you work with right and like I feel like there's so many health aspects to intimacy. And I mean just like physical touch right? like there's different chemicals and things that are released in the body and I mean especially what's you know with what has happened in the past few years I think we were already very much lacking in intimacy. And now it's even worse and so I'm wondering what your thoughts are on that concept and like the health implications of not being you know able to experience intimacy in the level that humans are really built for.
Magda Kay
That is probably the main thing I always say um so the need for intimacy. It's one of the core needs and it's a survival need right? So Just like you need. To drink water and you need the sun to Survive. We need intimacy to survive. Um, there's this experiment it was done on Monkeys and like they took baby Monkeys and they tested like the monkey could choose a mother with food or a mother that felt Cozy. So It's like a.
Magda Kay
Fake mother like a robot that had food and then another one that had a blanket like ah like a nice fluffy blanket and in about 80% the baby monkey would choose the matter that felt comfortable over the food so especially like this shows us that when it comes to.
Magda Kay
Like infants right? that intimacy than that touch is way more important than nutrients now I think parenting is changing and we have this understanding that you meant to hold the child. But even for my mom right? So just one generation up. It was a normal practice that the moment that the child is born. You first take the child to wash the child and only dead a mother can touch it. My brother who was born prematurely. He was put in the incubator for I don't know how long before they could even touch so already notice how much trauma that causes.
In name you hear.
Magda Kay
Right? If that is the most important thing you need them on. You're born. Um, you know the generation before our parents believed that when the child cries you shouldn't come for the child because they're going to be spoiled so now like literally a child is screaming right.
Hit hit.
Magda Kay
I need this to survive and we're not giving it on purpose like when I think of the sandras getting like oh my god um, so I think we need to first of all like understand that this is a need and how important that need is because we shame it so much we still shame it. Um, so notice notice this dynamic right.
Magda Kay
This is where women have it easier and better. So when you're a child a boy or a girl. It's okay, you will be touched. You'll get your intimacy. You're getting a bit older a girl is still gonna get affection a boy or not anymore because you're now a boy and boys don't get hubb so already. A young man is not getting affection.
Magda Kay
When he becomes a man if he touches a woman who's snap his's girlfriend. Well you're sleazy or you're cheating right? So he doesn't get to have intimacy with other women. He doesn't get to have intimacy with that a man because then he's labeled. You're gay right? because that's a party in our society offensive.
Magda Kay
And if he tries to be intimate with kids. He can be labeled a pedophile so men especially are extremely extremely. Um, disconnected from this as women. It's very easier because I can be in public with you and I can cuddle you and hug you and I'm not gonna be judged I can.
Magda Kay
You know play with kids and embrace a child. Nothing will happen I can even embrace another man and again he will be called the asshole not me so it's a bit easier for women and and like especially for men. It's very very difficult. The design of the society really basically makes men starving for affection. Um, so again, if you think of like you know that the monkey will choose affection over food notice. How broken men become because of that. But then of course on top of this. Let's add this whole idea that like the whole society things that it's wrong to touch and um, inappropriate and and you know this whole like.
Magda Kay
Basically keep your distance or have sex right? It's like there's nothing in between. So for most of us the way to have this intimacy is through sex. So if you're not having sex right now that means you don't get to have your intimacy so it's it's It's really like fucked up to be honest, um.
Magda Kay
So yeah I mean I wish that everyone was having uncomfortable you know, twenty second hugs and that people would do contact dens and that we would have cattle paddles as like a normal thing you know because it's just it's actually like you said yeah, it's it's ah it impacts our hormones. It is.
Magda Kay
Needed. It's for our health. It's not being needy. No one is needy if they need intimacy and affection. It is an actual survival need.
Yeah, you know I think about that often because I've heard of that study as well and it makes me sad to think of how many people are just you know home alone ah not getting that nourishment that that they need you know. And yeah, we we kind of have like this I don't know it's almost like an epidemic of singleness too. That's happening right now. Um, which is frustrating and it's too bad and I think there's a lot of different things that come into play there and actually. I Watched on your videos that I thought was really interesting that kind of helped me with this a little bit. Okay, you're gonna have to refresh my memory because I don't remember exactly how it went but it was cool. Okay, so it was something about I did make a note let me see.
Magda Kay
Um, but see what one was that.
Okay, yeah, so it was like your perspective about not everyone being lucky in love based on like your life path and astrology can you explain that because I was like shit that makes so much sense.
Magda Kay
Um I know and.
Magda Kay
Ah, so I'll be honest with this one. Specifically it's something I'm still looking at and trying to understand but you know I watch myself I watch my friends and I watch people in general and I just sometimes wonder and it's not just about relationships. But I'm just like why is it that. For some people some things seem to work I'm not saying that they're not doing any work in this direction but it's like you may have 2 people who put in the exact same effort and just this person it works for them and it doesn't work for that and um, and yes, so like.
Magda Kay
I have lots and lots of friends who seem to just be really lucky in. Love they easily meet partners. You know it's like it just flows and quite honestly I know it sounds a bit weird, especially with the work that I do but I would personally consider myself having challenges with relationships.
Magda Kay
So again, if we look at like karma and astrology. They often say that if you like Zoom out and look at your soul and what your soul is here for is that if if there is a main theme for your soul to explore a main lesson so this will be where you will be having most challenges. Then this will be also natural for you to maybe coach or assist others in this way because that's how my soul is experiencing the lesson. So another way how you can think of this is you have a lot of um people who for example are not athletes but they're amazing coaches to athletes right.
Magda Kay
So this is kind of like they usually wanted to be athlete leasts but it wasn't their path. Their path was to assist other people we have in astrology I don't know if it's pronounced shiron or Kiron Kairron but there you go. So for example, it's called a wounded healer which is it represents part of us.
Um, yeah P on.
Magda Kay
That is like our biggest wound and it's the biggest struggle of our whole life but this is also the area where we will be hialing the most by helping other people heal that specific wound. So I've been of course looking at these things myself because like I literally like I'll give you an example. Um there is this. Guy that I was very interested in. We had like a little bit of like connection online and I was still in Europe um, he was in a different country in Europe and he was actually coming to Bali and then off to Australia right? It's like oh my god amazing I get to meet him. Yeah, he left Bali a week before I get back, you know and I'm like this is not up to me.
Magda Kay
Right? But things like but happen and so what I found is that um and this is like my spiritual views on everything but I believe we co-create our reality of the spirit. So. There's part right? Let's say half half of my life is up to me. It's up to my effort. My decisions my behavior. And another half it's up to the spirit and it's not up to me. It's like you know if I drive my bike to the gym and there is an accident that you know and I cannot get to the gym I did my part I left home to get the gym.
Magda Kay
Something happened outside of my control that is not allowing me to do it. So I think this is true for everything and I also think it's true for the relationships and I will say that for some people simply it just seems like you know if they do their part the other part from the spirit. It just doesn't happen. And I cannot tell you exactly how definitely if you look into astrology especially vedic astrology can give you details so you have you know the house that's responsible for relationships. So I for example, have Raul in the house of relationships and rahu represents.
Um, and a.
Magda Kay
The needs that you can never meet right? So it's not the most good position and I remember um even looking at um, like 1 of my exes. He really like he has a very bad pattern and like he's astrologer. He's extremely bad for relationships. It's like you can actually see this.
Um, and yes.
Magda Kay
Um, now it's not that you cannot have a relationship I think but I will say that I don't think it's all up to us. So I'm say like do your part because you never know and then some people are given things from the Spirit grace. We say that grace. It's not up to us just God may choose to grace you or not.
Magda Kay
So that's been just kind of my observation I don't know what do you think of that.
Well I think it's interesting because I've noticed that as well and you know I'm kind of in the same boat like I've had very few long-term relationships in my life and was always quite challenged. There was a lot that I needed to learn because relationships weren't really. Modeled for me Appropriately I think like for a lot of us in our generation right? like not anything against my family but it's just yeah I think a lot of us are learning so much more about how to relate and I you know I had had patterns. That needed to be broken. But yeah I mean I have noticed just for so many people. It's just easy and for me, it's just not and like just nothing even appears like for me, it's just like there's nothing even that appears that I even want to date. So I've gone like literally years like without even going on a date right? which is kind of wild and could be looked at as maybe a little bit sad. But for me, there's a lot of spiritual growth that that happens there and I've had to make a reckoning with that. And what I've kind of come to understand and you know what you mentioned about the wounded healer like I very much. Um, feel that concept for myself. But it's more along the lines of Health. So like my my hardest challenges in life have been health. It's why I created a health company.
We have this podcast because I've had to do so many fucking things in order just to keep myself functioning with chronic illness and but I've done so many amazing things that have helped me and now I get to tell people about them and hopefully that can can help them on their healing Journeys as Well. And so I'm like okay well I know that is definitely my biggest challenge So like this relationship thing is kind of bullshit like I'm 38 now I've had enough you know and but according to my chart and you know the intuitive people that that I work with this piece for me is supposed to be coming together here actually fairly soon and. What was communicated to me like through you know, intuitive guidance and stuff is that you know this person that I'm supposed to Meet. There's a mission there and I had to go through really really hard things alone I had to be by myself I had to do the contemplation I had to do the work I had to go. And do all of the shadow stuff and the dark night of the soul and all of that in order to be strong enough for the things that are coming up next in in my life and I'm like growth that's Annoying. Ah.
Magda Kay
Um, that's I have to say but.
Oh fucking annoying cool cool. yeah I'm just like yeah I mean like it's been 38 years and it's like I don't think that like I'm a particularly shitty person I've worked on myself a lot and you know and then there's also um, a lot of the conversation about like you know the dating pool is just literally actually quite small. And especially for women because women are looking for men who have done the work and not as many men do the work as women and there's just a lot of expectations that aren't being met anymore and it's too bad because it's really nobody's fault for the exact reasons that you were talking about before. You know there's a lot of wounding with the masculine because of you know all of these ridiculous societal expectations and things as as men are growing up and it's tragic right? It's tragic for everybody and now we're seeing it play out and it's very evident. And it's too bad because now we kind of have like this health crisis layered on top of all of the other fucking health crisis crises that you know we're currently facing and now it's loneliness and lack of touch. So great. Great society look look where we are right? How how do we how do we fucking
Magda Kay
So. Me you I I do want to add something and cant thank you for inspiring this so you know when you talked about Health right? We really do live in a society that just like basically makes us unhealthy, right? Like if you want to be healthy.
Fix this magda. How do we fix this.
Magda Kay
And you live in a big city and like you have a very stressful job and you are in front of the screens all the time you're not connected to nature right? So it's not even like by your choice. It's just how the society works right? So it is way more difficult to actually be healthy. So.
Magda Kay
This is also something that's happening with the dating pool like you said it's the reality is that um and of course it's not black and white. But with the whole like sexual and women empowerment movement. The pill We started owning our sexuality which is great but at the same time. Really changed the the rules of the game because if you think of it in the past if a man wanted to have sex right? He needed to recommit. He's like I'm gonna not just provide for you I'm gonna provide for you until you die and your children right? and right now men can get whatever they want without having to give in return things now.
Magda Kay
I Know that a lot of people like you know disagree with this but this is our biology. This is our evolution right? as in like men want sex. We want a relationship I know it's a simplification but that is practically what is happening right? So right now women are giving sex to men without expecting.
No, and.
Magda Kay
In return what it is that we truly won't and so even for me in Bali here. We were just kind of chatted about this before. It's like and I noticed this already when I moved here first quite many years ago it's like you have so many beautiful women who are practicing tantra so they're just super sexually open because they think they're goddesses right? So they will.
Magda Kay
Openly connect with men if I was a man would I take this or would I go into a relationship with one woman I'm not blaming these men because I wouldn't do it either because to be in a relationship, especially for a man comes with a high price So these days for men. They're not getting.
Here here.
Magda Kay
A lot of benefits from doing that. So if you like we have men who want families right? but this is like you have all of these. There's like a certain path of development for men. They go through and only when they're kind of on the end of the path This is in our society when they finally get into competitive relationships.
Magda Kay
Because the society doesn't require this from that and this is not a very important thing. It's like um, what I actually like I mean there's a lot of work to be done with women. But I think we are not understanding how much work we should be doing with men I Remember once hearing this that you are born a woman. You naturally become a woman when you're born and then when you have your menstruation and then if you have pregnancy right? There's certain things that happen to us for a man like a boy is forged into a man. So a man needs to be challenged right to be a man and right now are. It doesn't require boys to become men so they don't We don't require exactly we don't require them to take responsibility for a woman or a family right? because these days a woman has money So Why he doesn't have to.. It's not required of him so he doesn't do it. But this is why we have now an issue with a lot of.
Um, and there's no rite of passage. Yeah.
Magda Kay
Some people call Beta men or feminine men or like just like boys right? stuck in a men's body because there isn't enough expectation and enough challenges that would force them to really step up as a strong confident. Solid masculine man and yet we are lacking that because the society thecial structure has changed so again like when I also say like being unlucky in love I think it would be really helpful if we also understood that just like it's really hard to be super healthy in our society.
Here a.
Magda Kay
Right? It is hard to be in a relationship because of how the society works.
Ah, yeah, so many challenges right? like ah yeah I'm just thinking There's so many layers there and what what I find disappointing too is that.
You know anytime I find like a really amazing teacher on Instagram or something right? So like Mark Groves was just on the podcast last week and you know he has really great. You know content about relationships and all of these things that are helpful for like. All parties in a relationship but like the majority of his followers are are women and like you generally find like if you're in a partnership women have to kind of like drag the men in like kicking and screaming and so it's kind of interesting that all of your clients. Men right? like you're not having to coerce anybody into working with you and that's really cool because it looks like you really are an advocate for men. And what is it? That's different is it because there's like that layer of sexuality that you think helps kind of draw them in a little bit. It kind of like you know wakes them up and gets them a little bit excited like what? What do you think that is what.
Magda Kay
Um, so I do personally also find it quite interesting that I predominantly work with men. Um, and this is and that this is one of those things that I will be like that's a part of me what my soul is meant to do in this life like.
Magda Kay
I Don't fully get it and and I've been looking at this I'm like why would I attract more women to my work. It's mostly men than couples and then women but women are like the smallest group. Absolutely um and I think there's definitely something in my energy that attracts them.
Magda Kay
But again I personally like I look at life from like a higher perspective. So I honestly believe that this is like what my soul is meant to do here if you want to get like more who who um, you know we're both Virgos and nine nine a virgo is a teacher a virgo is the energy of the high priestess. Um, and my name my actual name is.
Magda Kay
Magda and then middle name is Magdalena so I have the double name of you know the same and yeah and she is a tantric priestess right? like she was a priestess so it's like like I I do feel very strong resonance with Maryy Magdalene with the lineage of rose.
Oh interesting I didn't know that.
Magda Kay
Even though I don't study this I Just like even now I'm getting shivers when I say this like I just know and it's the energy of a virgo and it's all together. So um, like I believe that I was put in this life born on that specific day with that specific you know Zoddiac sign and all the energies align the name etc.
Um, and.
Magda Kay
Because of that because that's a line of like a bigger bigger Mission. So That's like a woho aspect of all of this and on practical level. Um, it definitely is this the fact that I'm a woman and I talk about Sex. Um, and this is something I found very interesting because men don't have a space to do it. And especially these days when we talk so much about conscious masculinity and Tantric sexuality which is mostly considered that It's very slow and gentle. Um, and so men feel like I don't get to say certain things because it will feel like I'm an asshole like I only want sex. But this is a part of them and I've always made space for this. Um, and I think there is this aspect that they just feel very comfortable being able to speak about sex to a woman without being judged because for most men the experience is is that when they do talk about Sex. They're judged. Because they're oh,, you're an Animal. You're an asshole you you men whore all of these things right? because men don't talk about sex like oh can I just gently caress every inch of your body. That's not how men talk about sex right.
I mean I don't know I've had some shit happen like that to me before and I was just kind of like no I don't I'm not in.
Magda Kay
Well, that's the thing see for me if I hear a man do this in most cases, not all but in most cases this is a fli learned behavior. It's manipulation and this man is not to be trusted men can with delicate things and delicate sex totally. But if a man like says things like this.
Magda Kay
And he's not only the actual in him that wants to fuck then I'm like okay you're not in touch with your true energy. So I'm just going to go.
Um, yeah, cause Intuitively I'm just like some is weird here like no, no, we talked like this. Yeah but ah oh my God That's hilarious. Okay, well. Okay so what? what? what is sexual mastery.
Magda Kay
Um, yeah.
Look like right? like if somebody is going to start working with you like what? what? what is kind of like that the end goal that people are kind of wanting to achieve and get to.
Magda Kay
So you know how you know the pendulum right? So we come from the place of incredible sexual suppression sex is bad. You shouldn't have it all of this right.
Magda Kay
Now What we've been seeing is the opposite again. The pendulum goes the opposite way which is like some people call it like sexual liberation or empowerment but it goes to place where you sleep with a lot of people like sex is not a big deal. And I don't think that that's what sexual mastery or sexual empowerment is for me, it's in in between of these two. So to me, it's actually understanding the power of sexuality like truly understanding how potent this energy is.
Magda Kay
So be in touch with it like you have to face it to know it. So if you if you keep shaming sexuality if you're not letting your true sexual desires come out it means that you're afraid of the power and you never even come close to it right? So on 1 hand you have to come close to the power to really truly feel it. And allow it to be present in your life. But you're not letting it run your life which is I believe a lot of like tantric communities these days are again like if I go back to being here in Bali like there was a few years ago I went for ecstatic dance and I saw I have to be honest, like to me it was really horrible. There is girl.
Magda Kay
I knew her in her about I think she was 20 or twenty one and she started dancing with a guy who looked to be in his 50 s or sixty s and was a very sensual dance and to me this is not okay, like you're it's like to me it's like um spiritual prostitution almost.
Magda Kay
It's like you're throwing your sexual energy because you know the power of this energy but you don't fully understand the sacredness and you don't understand that sex is a big deal. So if I see people who be like oh sex isn't a big deal I'm like then you don't know what sex is. It's a huge deal.
Um, you know.
Magda Kay
But don't be afraid of the power and that balance to me that is true sexual mastery or sexual empowerment right? So it's like when you truly know how precious it is. You don't just give it like this in all directions right.
Magda Kay
And again, a lot of people these days. They don't understand how valid it is and like especially women they just like oh because if I don't have sex with this ball. He will like not want to date me things like this right? like we we give away sex because we want to please people right? that is not understanding the. The the potency of sexual energy. But at the same time. It doesn't mean like oh yeah let's just have sex with everyone because it's amazing. It's like it's not It's like it's a big thing I had this conversation recently. Um, every time we have sex. It's an offering. Because you actually give a part of your life first energy when you have sex so you die every single time you have sex I don't know french but the name for the orgasm in french means a little death right? as in like a part of you dies. So it's an offering. It's a huge energy entanglement with someone else.
Magda Kay
So be mindful of these 2 parts and when they come together so when the pendul comes to the middle to the to the point that is for me sexual mastery.
And. I Love it. Yeah, it's just like having this reverence and I think that's something that just intuitively for myself I've kind of just fallen into you know this is why I go for. Months if not years being with someone.
Magda Kay
But me too I'll just say this as well because I had this conversation with someone we shame celibacy in our times because again we're trying to like counteract the sexual suppression by having a lot of sex and having like you know losing virginity at 14 or something.
Has her head.
Magda Kay
So when someone is like in their twenty s and they're still a virgin. We like shame them so there is so much shame around not having sex and I really wish that we stopped doing this this is meant to be also like a virgo thing. It's like unless someone really Fits. We would rather not get engaged in the drama and we can go long periods without a partner and without actually sex as well and I don't think there's anything wrong with this I Also do this myself because for me when I am involved with someone. It impacts me hugely like it impacts. Everything.
Magda Kay
And so I I'm very very picky I would say whos energy I want in my life.
Yeah, exactly that is yes, you articulated that perfectly I feel exactly the same way because I spent you know my younger years my adolescence in my twenty s just giving that energy away. Right? And for me, it was like well this is the only way to get intention. This is the only way that guys will you know want to be with me. Whatever. Um, so you know contributed to a little bit of what we're seeing in society these days. And there was just so much of me that I gave away for so many years and then just at one point I was like I just cannot do this anymore, right? like I would find myself in a situation where you know I'd be hooking up with somebody that I didn't know very well and I would just start crying and I'm like. Okay, this is this is not fun anymore like this is just yeah, there's There's a lot of emotions here with somebody that I do not know and that is just not what I want to engage with anymore in my life and so yeah, it's very much the same thing like unless it is.
Magda Kay
Um, but.
Very much perfect and divine like I do have a lot of reverence and because I have spent so much time alone you know I've done a lot of self study and I've you know done a lot of research on these types of um things we'll say and.
Yeah, like there is so much power there I recently read um the Magdalin manuscript and I was just like Wow Yeah like I can't wait until I get to practice this with someone. It's wonderful that they have like a solo practice as Well. Um, but. Yeah, like I mean there's just so much transformation that can happen with partnership but you know because there is so much wounding in Society. It's got to be a really good fit like if you want to grow through partnership and to be able to experiment in those ways you got to find somebody who is willing to do that work with you and so it can take a while and I'm okay with that I'd rather wait than be in the relationship with with the wrong person because.
Magda Kay
I've been there as well and it's it doesn't turn out. Well.
Magda Kay
Yeah I was going to say I think again, it's like every person has their own unique path and I think for some people it's like being in a relationship is good for them. Um I resonate with what you were sharing that. Um there are certain lessons I'm going through in this life.
Magda Kay
And I know that I they're different because I go through them on my own like if I was in a relationship I would try to outsource a lot of it. It's like oh my God I don't want to face it can you just embrace me. Can you give me some affection so I didn't have to face it on my own and the whole point for me is that I am meant to face it on my own like.
You yeah.
Magda Kay
Like I am meant to face the incredible feeling of being a feeling lonely right? feeling alone feeling unlove if there was a loving caring, Beautiful consider. But ah partner next to me I wouldn't I wouldn't be seeing this right? So I'm also recognizing that for me. Um, whatever.
And me.
Magda Kay
Is my path in this life right? There is a reason why I'm not yet in this partnership I Really hope I will um but I know that this is this is what is for me and I think for other people there may be you know their soul learning other things. So for them being in not a great relationship may may be much better. You know.
Magda Kay
I'm more like you as in. Um I I do feel really good being on my own. Um I enjoy this life. It's not bad at all. So I'm also like if I want to bring someone in like especially for a woman our relationship impacts everything. So if the relationship is good.
Magda Kay
Everything becomes good. But if it's bad. Everything becomes bad and I like I always is I would rather be single than be in a bad relationship. That's kind of the bottom line and I know not everyone has to feel the same way. But I feel again. 1 of the paths of like feeling. Empowered in ourexuality is understanding. What is my path and and follow this path. Not what someone else is doing just because someone does this type of a relationship or approaches it this way. This is our unique path I was like so I have to um I'm gonna oh I'm gonna vent a little bit I really do not like when I see these people online. Like we have so many big people online who basically they do they like show you who they are right? It's like hey be like me and then people end up working with them signing up with them as coaches. But I'm like you're not meant to be like them the the job of a coach. He's like.
Magda Kay
My job as a coach is not to show you oh be like me look this is possible. No my job is to help you understand what is possible for you and what your path is not to copy my path I don't want you to want to have what I have because it's my path I have my dreams my successes My fear is my blockages right.
Magda Kay
My job is to help you understand your path not to copy my and and I think in times of Instagram it's just like you know people are like influencers and celebrities for the fact that they just document every second of their life and then people like pay the money because they think they're going to get some of this but that's not your path you know and and like.
Head right.
Magda Kay
Yeah, that's one of my intentions like just for every human just honor where you are and honor what are your unique challenges in this life and what your talents and successes are because your youth.
Yeah, oh I love that perspective. Okay I mean everybody's gonna want to work with you now. Ah. I think this is so great. You're such an amazing wealth of knowledge and just a really beautiful articulate teacher Magda like honestly and this is such powerful work I think it's important that everybody if you haven't you know started approaching some of this I think it's probably time for everybody especially with. Health implications that we've been talking about on this episode There's so many so many different layers and so many reasons why this type of work is really important. Um, what what? What does it look like um, working with you.
Magda Kay
Um, well.
Magda Kay
But um, so I do 1 on one work and I also have online resources if someone prefers doing things on their own by the way now I don't know if you can see here the construction. That's another a typicalpical balinis.
And head.
Um, ah yeah.
Magda Kay
It's like you guys know way in chickens dogs or construction. Um, so if someone would like to work with me 1 on one. We can do this online via like online coaching but again is the cat. It's the type of coaching that incorporates a lot of meditation and visualization.
Ah, all good.
Magda Kay
Shaking breathing and doing things because we want to engage the body. We're not just working on the mental level so in online coaching I Also do sessions in person. So this is where we get to do practical exercises together and just recently we launched the school of intimacy.
The honey.
Magda Kay
Um, which is our online platform. Um, for anyone who wants to study these arts more so we talk about everything communication tools like you mentioned the beginning. Ah you know Tantric sexuality for men and women and ejaculation for men and we're adding more and more every month So I'm super excited about this. So if you prefer just doing things on your own. Um that will be also a great place.
Wonderful. Okay, and how can people find you.
Magda Kay
Sorry love could you repeat the question because it just broke for a second. Um so everything will be under Magda case. So it can you know? oh so I think we're having a little.
Yeah, um, how how can people find you.
Oh it should be okay now. Yeah, okay so where yes where can people find you.
Magda Kay
Oh yes, we're good. Okay, so I get to where they can find me. Yes, we can find me in my bedroom now in body and online you can go. So. Magdaka and then the website is Magdakay Dotcominstagram is magdaka official. Ah Youtube channel will also be magdakay so you can just put liitchy magdakay and you're gonna find all of the needed websites and resources online.
Yay! Amazing! Thank you so much for coming on. It is just so good to see you again now I'm just like okay we need to get together. We need to go traveling like are are you doing any retreats or anything coming up.
Magda Kay
Magda Kay
So I see I did it I started doing retreats. Ah and then covid happened and I had to move my retreat 3 times and it was so much hustle and stress I was like no I'm done with that. So instead of what I do now it's private retreats.
Magda Kay
So this is either for singles or for couples and you can basically spend three days or a full week with me. These are vp packages so I put you in like you know five star luxurious hotel and we spend basically most of the day together. I do retreats of that sort around the world. But again these are private 1 like 1 or 1 for the client I all do the group retreats anymore and we'll see maybe one day I will I will do it again. But I also found you know, um, that people like again I come from like the temric community where we love cattle puddles and everyone is open in front of everyone. But.
Magda Kay
Um, what I also realize is that people prefer having the intimate space with me to open up and when you have other couples there. They just don't feel as safe and so I also understand it and respect it. So that's one of the reasons why I do mostly work 1 on 1
Awesome! All right? Well you heard the amazing Magdi K everybody get in touch with her if it feels aligned and yeah, so great to see you again. Love so happy you were here.
Magda Kay
I Know I'm so happy to see you and I cannot just cannot imagine how long it's been and also where you are the podcast and the company. Wow So proud So proud.
Yeah, thank you all right? everyone? Well, that's it for today's episode and we will see you on the next episode of the wild remedies podcast.
The One About healing the Masculine through Men’s Work with Mike Elliott
The One About Leading with Soul to Save our Species with Kerri Hummingbird
The One About Spirit Babies & Starseeds with Deanne Crewe